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5-Year-Old Hero Calls 911, Saves Mom
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While many five-year-olds are still perfecting skills like tying their shoelaces, Tahlique Garay was mastering a different skill: saving his mother's life.
When his pregnant mother collapsed onto the floor, the rising first grader stayed calm and called 911 -- what he had been taught to do if Jennifer Garay ever got sick.
"My mom was on the floor so I called 911," Garay told the New York Daily News. "I wanted to help her."
According to the newspaper, Garay told the emergency operator that his "mommy, um, passed out a little bit." He told the operator his age, gave his , Queens address and even remembered important medical information, "My mommy gets seizures."
Ambulances arrived minutes later and EMTs revived Garay, who is due to give birth to a little girl next month.
Garay first taught her son about 911 after a seizure. "I didn't want to scare him but I had to tell him what to do if I got sick," she told the NYDN, saying that her son "did everything right."