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  1. T

    Pausing for the tube

    Just need to pause for a second to check for breath / epigastric sounds after the tube is placed. Cric pressure helps when tubing a pt with CPR in progress.
  2. T

    ROSC question for medics.

    Pt went into arrest in a restaurant, luckily for him a coworker EMT started CPR immediately. On scene we shocked him a couple of time, first round of meds ( 1 epi, 90 of lidocaine) ROSC he bit at my blade as i was trying to intubate. before we got in the truck i had him on a NRB. started a...
  3. T

    Traction splinting

    who would you want to take your ski boot off. A Ski Patroller who takes ski boots off on a regular basis or an ER nurse who has never seen a ski boot in her life.