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  1. 6

    Con-ED online resources???

    Im sure this questions has already been asked. I need to get some basic con-ed certs like ICS 100-800 and also NIMS...Hazmat Does anyone know of where I can go to work on these while Im at station in between calls? Any online resources would help, preferably free...
  2. 6

    First Day riding with a

    thanks for all the advice, I know I learned a lot from that run. Ive had time to reflect on that call and determine how I could have done things better and more effective. I was more embarrassed because here I was trying to be all confident being the new guy, but I looked like I couldn't even...
  3. 6

    First Day riding with a

    So I just started with an AlS company last week. My first day was just suppose to be a ride along observation. My first emergency call with them and the paramedic started shouting out meds that he needed and I totally lost any train of thought and had to go searching through the meds reading...
  4. 6

    ER Ambulance San Diego question

    Hey, I have never worked for ER ambulance but I have worked as an EMT in san diego. ER ambulance is a really small company and do mainly transports only. From my perspective no one in the EMS field really respected those guys..To me they always looked sloppy wearing just t-shirts for uniforms. I...