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  1. E

    New FlightShears Updates

    Out of Stock We had an unexpected flood of Christmas season orders in addition to one very large order. This overwhelmed our temporary inventory and we are currently out of stock until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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    New FlightShears Updates

    Nearly out of stock announcement. -Unexpected holiday demand. Due to INCREDIBLE demand for our FlightShears for the holidays, we are running exceedingly low on inventory. We will be accepting and fulfilling orders through the close of business on Thursday, December 9th (6pm MST). After that...
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    New FlightShears Updates

    A very appreciated post
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    New FlightShears Updates

    Awesome story to share. This happened a few months back. Someone used a pair of FlightShears to temporarily "fix" a plane. If you want to read it, there is a link below the picture on this page:
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    New FlightShears Updates

    15% discount - All orders on backorder through approximately Dec 1 Scott, who is responsible for receiving orders and shipping, needs a break to study for his ER physician boards. Therefore, all orders are going on backorder through December 1, 2010. They will ship in plenty of time for the...
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    New FlightShears Updates

    Links exchange If anyone out there with a website is interested in doing a link exchange, please p.m. me.
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    New FlightShears Updates

    Free of the bondage of Paypal We are now equipped to take credit card orders.
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    New FlightShears Updates

    We now have the pictures up for the alternate styles. . . . And we have the website now configured to easily select a style for purchase. The new pictures are at the page bottom.
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    New FlightShears Updates

    I bet you met Scott out in NM. He is my partner. Thanks for the testimonial. Would love to see the picture. In fact, if your willing, we'd be very grateful if you would donate it for our new page:
  10. E - LF Moderators, Authors, Bloggers

    Question for you. I have a question I am hoping you might be able to answer since I am assuming you have some experience with coding. . . Do you know how to go about getting the facebook "like" button with the facebook pictures of those who click on it displayed? Thanks
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    New FlightShears Updates

    Facebook buttons I managed to plant a simple "like" button here: I have seen some EMS sites where the facebook like button has the facebook faces of the people who clicked on it. I have not found the source for obtaining that code. Does anyone...
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    everyone carries trauma shears, but...

    In answer to the original question. . . As one who has used both trauma shears and bandage shears and has patents for scissors (, I can confidently say that there is nothing that a bandage scissor has over even the run-of-the-mill, new trauma shear. Over time, the big...
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    New FlightShears Updates

    Thanks to all for your continued support. We have done well enough with the trauma shears I patented such that our site has achieved the number 1 spot for on Google's search engine for "trauma shears", recently bumping This comes as a slight shock although I am not clear on how...
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    CrossFit Grand Opening & SAR Fundraiser

    Raffle Offer Dear Mountain-Res-Q, If in the future, you have another of these events, Adroit Innovation, LLC would be happy to donate a pair of FlightShears ( for your raffle. We recently donated a pair for a coral-reef, clean-up event prize and...
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    Stethoscope - The Mega Thread

    That's interesting. We are working on a new device to keep your littmann from being stolen. It's not available yet though. I also agree with the scissor comment.
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    The Haiti First Responder Equipment Blogs - Initiated by Dr. Paul Auerbach

    Dr. Paul Auerbach, MD, MS, FACEP, FAWM is an Editor of Wilderness Medicine.
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    Wilderness Medicine Guru, Paul Auerbach's Haiti Experience

    Another article by Paul Auerbach
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    Eureka and Haiti Earthquakes: What are you doing?

    I posted this link in the news forum before seeing this thread. For convenience, here it is:
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    Wilderness Medicine Guru, Paul Auerbach's Haiti Experience

    We have heard a lot directly from the media but this is quite revealing from a medical point of view.