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  1. G

    Ride Alongs.

    Yea the first time I took a BP on a ride-a-long we were en route and I just couldn't get it. Paramedic tried explaining how to palpate to me while he was starting an IV but with my nerves I just couldn't comprehend. But I know now. =) I would ask as many questions as you like; I do, and they...
  2. G

    For everyone who is tired of being called an ambulance driver

    I absolutely love this. Not for a moment did I take it as a complaint from not being 'praised' as a hero. It's far from complaining about what we go through also. It's true about the society ignorance though. This dictates how the community doesn't really uderstand how and why EMS works. Like...
  3. G

    Ever forget to put on your gloves?

    That's always one of the first things on my mind. Whether I'm in truck or an ambulance I make sure I have some gloves and depending on the severity of the call I'll either put them on on the way or once I get to the patient. They come off before I hop back in the the truck/ambulance also. :P
  4. G

    Difference between Combi-tube and intubating

    Using the Combi tube in a rescue situation is better than nothing is what I'm trying to say then. The "proven benefit" is that the patient is recieving oxygen and is alive, in most good cases. Saying that it has "no proven benefit" seems obsured. Just like with most EMS procedures it's not going...
  5. G

    Difference between Combi-tube and intubating

    Thanks for giving me a better idea. I guess I'm still wondering, when the ER staff takes over, do they leave the Combi tube in, or take it out then intubate using a more advanced method? As far as the damage to the pts airway goes, I would imagine that if the pt is in bad enough condition to...
  6. G

    Difference between Combi-tube and intubating

    I'm just a basic student so I don't know the exact tools used to intubate or why it makes the procedure soo advanced, but I do know how and when to insert a combi-tube (which I think is amazing) and I do also love to learn. To me, (like I said I don't know as much as you experienced ALS people)...
  7. G

    Thanks! I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out. I'm doing this from my phone so it's...

    Thanks! I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out. I'm doing this from my phone so it's weird. lol. But thank you!
  8. G

    Test Day - Your Stories?

    Class Exams For some reason, I can study for hours and hours, do the chapters in my workbook, study flashcards, vocab, etc. but when it comes to test days I always bomb them. I don't understand. I'm the type of person who learns hands-on so I've bumbed up my ride-time to try and get in more...
  9. G

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Student I started my EMT-B class about two weeks after graduating high school in June and I love it. I just like knowing what to do in case something happens - whether it be a small cut or a significant MOI; I want to be there and treat it. I'm really happy and excited because I've never loved...