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  1. ceej

    Let's talk drug cards!

    I've been tasked with creating an impromptu field reference for some colleagues and I've decided to start with some drug cards. I have a layout set up that I think I am pretty happy with, but I'd like some advice on what I might add or remove. You can see the the layout here. Some notes...
  2. ceej

    Motorcyclist Hurt in Crash with Indy Ambulance
  3. ceej

    Dispatched: Unknown Incident

    Hello all, couldn't remember the name I used to post under. Here's a case study presented to me by an ER doc: Diagnose the patient, provide your interventions. Ask and you shall receive. Your crew: EMT-P (You), EMT-B x 2. Fire is also on scene with a fly car with 3 EMT-B's. Tones drop...