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  1. D

    10-50 w/PI

    Safety you are right personal safety is number one. I don't know what I was thinking.
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    10-50 w/PI

    first of all to some of you EMS preofessionals 10-50 is a numeric radio code meaning motor vehical accident and the PI is person injured or personal injury. Ok now to answer the question, In a frontal crash if the air bags have not deployed and to disable them you will need to look under the...
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    Emt-Intermediate/99 vs Paramedic Specialist

    EMT-Intermediate99 VS Paramedic Specialist No Iowa is not confusing the public. We have the following EMS Levels in the state. First Responder/EMR EMT-Basic EMT-Intermediate/85 EMT-Intermediate99/Iowa Paramedic EMT-Paramedic Iowa has gone to great lengths to ensure the citizen...
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    Emt-Intermediate/99 vs Paramedic Specialist

    Iowa Paramedic Specialist I can exsplain this level to you. first I want to say to Sizz if you are looking at becoming a Paramedic Specialsit I would go for Iowa Paramedic the EMT-I99 this is a quick way of learning all the ALS skills of a paramedic and all als services here in Iowa both...