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  1. M

    Wahooooo!!! Cut the cake and let's party!!!!!

    Oh that is so great!!! :rolleyes:
  2. M

    Interesting interview question popped up today... Remove one piece of equipment

    Lol Ok OK well then, I would punt. If the babies coming it is coming with or without an OB kit.
  3. M

    Interesting interview question popped up today... Remove one piece of equipment

    Oh I have one. Teddy bears and OB kits in our B rig. Thats the rig we use for the nursing home runs.^_^
  4. M

    Interesting interview question popped up today... Remove one piece of equipment

    Lemon sticks, yeah I would get rid of the lemon sticks. Not sure how long they have been in there. YUCK
  5. M

    Interesting interview question popped up today... Remove one piece of equipment

    No kidding I agree. If their blue they need more O2. LOl
  6. M

    Your patient asks you to pray with them

    Sorry, I guess I didn't think. I guess it only makes sense that if you don't believe in God you wouln'd believe in sin either. So maybe I will be safe in saying this... I believe that I am a sinner because I believe that what the Bible says is true. The Bible say "all have sinned and fall...
  7. M

    Your patient asks you to pray with them

    What I ment to say is that I agree that abortionist should not be treated as you stated above.
  8. M

    Your patient asks you to pray with them

    I agree completly.
  9. M

    Your patient asks you to pray with them

    I agree, although I do not believe the same as you, We should all be civil. I also wanted to say that I didn't mean that just because you don't believe in God that you have no morals. Or that I am perfect because that is really almost laughable. I am the farthest thing from perfect!! I am a...
  10. M

    Your patient asks you to pray with them

    Yes, I would and I have prayed with a Pt. I have only done it once and I asked him if he wanted me to pray with him. He was freaking out so bad thought he was going to die and said yes. I prayed for healing and that if he had never excepted Jesus as his savior that he would do that in his heart...
  11. M

    God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Vishnu And Your Patient

    So you don't believe in Heavan or Hell? So when you die you think that is that you are just dead in the ground? I am sorry that you believe that and if I thought for one second that me talking would make you believe any differant I would keep typing, but I don't so I won't. Thank you for...
  12. M

    God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Vishnu And Your Patient

    You are right that phrase has been said since the beginning of time :) And as far as what you see, yep that is sad. God created you in His image. You are way more then just an egg and a sperm.
  13. M

    God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Vishnu And Your Patient

    I hate that word religion. It can mean so many things to so many people. Kind of like the word Christian. Everyone seems to be one just ask em. LOL
  14. M

    God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Vishnu And Your Patient

    Oh my gosh that will be worse!!! I have just one quick observation... For as many people in the world who do not believe in God, they sure don't have any problem using is name when they talk. Why don't people go around and say "Oh my Big Bang theory" The answer is because I think they really...
  15. M

    God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Vishnu And Your Patient

    She is not talking about a MAGICAL Higher power. She is talking about God. The Bible says "In the beginning God created". Pretty much black and white if you ask me, but then you would have to believe what the Bible says is true in order to to believe or even care. God have always been there...
  16. M

    I think I might have scared off a trainee

    Are you kidding!!!! I would have loved a day like that. I went to a small town er and waited for hours for an old person who fell to finally come in. I rode with our erea peramedics and the most I did was spike a bag and fill a nebulizer thingy wahooo. I know I am sick all my friends think so...
  17. M

    EMT moms?

    Yes, it counts as long as you can make a pie, feed a baby,and fold laundry all at the same time. Oh and then save a life while your at it. Just kidding
  18. M

    I Am a Moron

    Don't feel bad I am new too. I would consider myself more of a lessoff. That would be the opposite of a moron. HAHAHAH get it more on. Sorry I get it from my husband.
  19. M

    We just got rid of Ten Codes

    10 codes Yeah I get your point, but he was talking to law enforcement most of the time. I am with you, I hate 10 codes too I don't have a clue what they are and have no intention on learning them.