Search results

  1. E

    Need an opinion on an MOI

    One bullet I'm thinking that you are looking at a bullet entry wound with two exits. The first wound on the neck is the entry. The small wound next in line is probably where a small fragment of the bullet, it's jacket, or some other material broke through the skin as the major portion of the...
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    12 Lead EKG books

    Dubins Book and Lecture I'll have to check out Dubins book and see if he has a lecture coming up in the upper Midwest. I'll second Taigman's Advanced Cardiology, I read it first as a student and didn't get some of it, but I went back after a few years and really enjoyed re-reading it...
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    MCI and HazMat drills

    Who here is involved in planning and executing MCI and HazMat drills? We are planning one for later this summer and I'm looking for new ideas. We are a rural region with several communities with populations under 5,000 and a half-dozen first response and rescue squads involved, as well as...
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    12 Lead EKG books

    Not a book, but great 12-lead info Look for a seminar by Tim Phalen. He does some of the best 12-lead training I have ever seen. It's from an EMS/ER perspective and all very clearly explained. He goes past the Name-That-Rhythm method and delves deeply into "so what does this mean for your...
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    Will my weight hold me back from a job?

    Obesity and Job Performance I'm overweight myself at 260 pounds 6'0". While discrimination against race, gender, religion, disability, age, etc. is rather well protected, discrimination against the obese is rather common and unfortunately more accepted. It is much like discrimination against...
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    Paramedic Degree

    Confusing The confusion is less in states that accept National Registry standards. You can still have services that are Fire Service, Hospital, or Community based, professional or volunteer, or Privately Owned, but if you are a registry state you must meet the registry requirements for the...
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    Military Moulage

    I found a site that has some good reference pictures and moulage information for anyone involved in MCI, HazMat, or other training where you use trauma simulations. Here is a link to their forum, which is free but is only open to EMS personnel and requires you to register...
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    Do you think EMS should be paramilitary?

    Uniform Teaching Academy I don't believe that EMS education can, or should be taught, exactly the same everywhere. Yes, we need a standardized curriculum, but there has to be accomodations for different teaching and learning styles as well as the ability to adapt the flexible content to...
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    Paramedic Degree

    I like the internship idea I like the idea of a year or two of internship before getting your paramedic license. We don't have that here and the amount of supervised field training after passing the National Registry test (not all states are Registry states, some have their own testing...
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    How much anatomy do you need on the job?

    Hang in there Hang in there, Dave. It's a lot of work but well worth it. B)
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    How much anatomy do you need on the job?

    Knowledge is the foundation of critical thinking Learn all the A&P, biochemistry, pharmacology, etc. that you can. You can really tell the medics who come from programs that teach you to pass the test and those who come from programs that strive to graduate competent medical professionals...
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    I survived...

    Welcome Congratulations MommyEMT and welcome. Here's wishing you well, may you have a long and rewarding career in EMS.
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    Do you think EMS should be paramilitary?

    With Great Respect, No Sir Are there things we can learn from the military, definately Yes. Should we seek to become like the military, definately No. There is no argument that war and other military functions have contributed greatly to our EMS system, from the first use of modern triage...
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    I hate my job...

    Ends of a spectrum Strange, the edit I did on my last post showed up as a separate post even though they both read as my seventh posting. :huh: Back to the topic at hand: I absolutely agree that you have to have some level of professional detachment to survive in a profession such as...
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    I hate my job...

    Different viewpoint Rid, You and I apparently get something different out of the starfish story. Rather than unrealistic expectations, I view it as we do what we can for the ones that we can. The fact that we can't save them all is irrelevant. Far from having unrealistic views, I've been in...
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    I hate my job...

    Different viewpoint Rid, You and I apparently get something different out of the starfish story. Rather than unrealistic expectations, I view it as we do what we can for the ones that we can. The fact that we can't save them all is irrelevant. I've been in this business for more than 20...
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    I hate my job...

    Kid calls are tough A few years back we had a run of three pediatric codes within a month, two were within 24 hours of each other. Not long after that we had another critical pediatric case that died within 48 hours in critical care. It was incredibly hard on the crew and I believe it...
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    What is the greatest training disservice?

    The greatest disservice The greatest disservice an instructor can do to his/her students is to teach them to pass tests without training them to function in the real world. I've seen too many students who can recite the book ver batum and perform every task on the skill sheets backwards and...
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    Durable moulage R/r 911, you mentioned spending a couple of hours on a moulage that would be destroyed right away. This used to be a problem for me too. I still do a lot of wax buildups, creme makeup wheels, and other traditional moulage, especially for one-shot deals that I expect to be...
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    Good Point I agree that moulage can be overused. It's fun to watch a student's eyes get wide when the lift a shirt to find a big evisceration or impaled object, but I find subtle moulage valuable in finding out just how well students are applying their skills. For example, if you are practicing...