Search results

  1. F

    EMS Agency Type

    I have worked for two different services in the past year. Both are county based and partially funded by the county and the rest by the hospital that we are based out of. During the times that we are not running on the truck (which is a lot, since we only run 1-2 calls a day) we work in the ER...
  2. F

    You significant other...

    I have a rule not to date Professional Firefighters for large metropolitian areas. A lot of the ones I know tend not to be faithful to their wives. I broke the rule recently and guess what!!! Yup, I caught him early in the relationship lying about dating other women. Glad to find it out early...
  3. F

    Favorite EMS TV Show & Movie

    I am a fan of Paramedics, ER and Third Watch!!! But who can forget the one of the best movies - BackDraft!!! Not only do I tear up every time I watch the funeral scene and hear the bagpipes, but Kurt Russell is pretty sexy even for an old guy!!! Plus I am still figuring out the logistics of the...
  4. F

    Who are you?

    Howdy!!! I orginally was a teacher for four years. I also coached softball and it always seemed that my students and players were always getting hurt. So, I signed up for a first responder class. I completed the class and two months later began my 24 hour Firefighter class. I finished and began...