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  1. O

    Follow-up cadaver lab program post

    This is a follow-up post to this thread: This program went forward and seemed to be an overall success. We had some issues with getting participants through a local fire service. I contacted the local paramedic...
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    Utilizing Cadaver Labs for Anatomy

    These will be dissected, embalmed bodies. I have been to a similar training, likely the same people doing it for IO and airway. Main focus of the lab portion will be seeing the actual structures, the vessels, etc. I think the airway anatomy, at this stage in the dissection, will be as visible...
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    Utilizing Cadaver Labs for Anatomy

    Its going to be set up over a period of months with the input of the agencies to ensure it doesn't flop. That being said, a decent bit of the input will be from the local ED physicians and addressing the skill and decision making deficits they see in the patients transported to them.
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    Utilizing Cadaver Labs for Anatomy

    I have access to the lab and the go ahead from the admin At the point in the dissection that this will take place the chest and abdomen will be open, the head bisected on a sagittal plane. So why not take a look
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    Utilizing Cadaver Labs for Anatomy

    I am working on creating a program where there will be collaboration between local agencies and paramedic schools to have pertinent cadaveric prosections for viewing following a lecture. This will be focused mainly on airway, chest, and abdomen. Participants will then be handed off to our...