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  1. F


    Thank you KEVD18! That's exactly what was going on. Jazminestar I did try to talk to th Pt alone and she was still being a B****, and wanting nothing to do with us. And OLMD (Base Hospital if you will) stated to get a refusal due to the circumstances and pt presentation. PD was against Tx...
  2. F


    The Pt was extreamly non-compliant, and knew exactly what was going on. Med-Control was contacted and notified of the situation, and stated that if she was mentally competent, A/O x4, and all she was doing was crying then we could obtain a refusal. There was no way she was getting on our...
  3. F


    K9Kazoo... I appreciate your reply. Dispatch info consisted of a psyhch pt. No other info was given. I believe the family called, and PD was on-scene prior to our arrival. Pt was A/O x4, knew exactly what was going on, and was just crying. Pt was at her residence in her bed room, and family...
  4. F


    I recently ran a call for a psychiatric Pt. Upon arrival at the Pt. residence I was met by PD, where they stated the Pt was intoxicated and crying. As I made my way into the residence I noticed 2 family members upset, and not evidence of any alcohol. The Pt was A/O x3, alert to date, time...