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  1. wolfie23b

    EMS and marriage

    I am a soldier and just got back from Iraq about 6 months ago and my wife dealt with it very well, and she also understands the reason I pull the overtime is for our financial well being. If I don't pull the OT then there are a lot of things that would have to be put on the back burner such as...
  2. wolfie23b

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    I am going to Paramedic SCHOOL at Oklahoma State. I will have a Assoc. of Applied Science. NOT A " Trade School". Happy?
  3. wolfie23b

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    ridryder, When was your paramedic friend there. I wasn't pre-mobilized in Gruber but I know some that were.
  4. wolfie23b

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    Ridryder911, I apologize for the fact that I shot in here talking about the "Paragods", it is only that I am educated, and a competent basic, and pride myself in my quality of work that my Paramedic partner enjoys, why, because I can either interpret her every move or I already have what she...
  5. wolfie23b

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    i won't dignify with a response, I know my skills and know that I for one can do the skill at hand. I also know that a combi tube can do just as much damage and basics in my state are getting the ok to do those so what is reall the difference. I do not beleive that any part of my comment was...
  6. wolfie23b

    EMS and marriage

    Naw, We have a very good marriage and she is also and Army wife, I just got back from 15 months in Baghdad and she is a trooper. We have been married for 6 years, and lookin' for 50 or more.
  7. wolfie23b

    EMS and marriage

    i agree I could easily say I cannot go in, and I can easily say that the extra money I recieve for going in is not that important because time with the family is gonna pay the bills, and feed my family just fine. Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE my job, I would not trade it or change it for...
  8. wolfie23b

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    your posts have always gotten me up in arms because its RN's like you that think they no everything there is to know. There are plenty of PARAGODS out there and they don't belong on MY rig.
  9. wolfie23b

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    I have done plenty of Intubations, "What happens in the back of a rig, stays in the back of the rig." You may operate just fine w/o a basic emt in YOUR rig but a paramedic that forgets the value of a competent basic is a paramedic that is gonna get someone hurt. The Basic is what rminds the...
  10. wolfie23b

    New to the forum

    I have been an EMT since 1992 and I am just now going to Paramedic School. I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world. I work 2 days a week and get to spend 5 days with my family in between school and times when my supervisor decides he needs me for some OT, which I gladly take cause I...
  11. wolfie23b

    EMS and marriage

    sapphyre, EMS is very much a 24/7 job. I get calls from my supervisor on days off to come and work because he can't find someone to fill a shift, and of course since all of us here do this career for the money, I take the overtime because I don't need the money. HAHA!!!
  12. wolfie23b

    Body Armor - Stab Resistant and/or Bullet Resistant

    Just remember NOTHING is bullet "Proof", only resistant. Even the Body armor I wore in Iraq could only take so much, I took 4 rounds and I do not think it could take more.
  13. wolfie23b

    For all the Tactical Types - HUMOR!

    I am with ya sandbox, I just got back from Baghdad 5 minths ago and that was funny although no where near the room clearing techniques I was trained to use.
  14. wolfie23b

    Full Arrest

    ok the pt was getting air regardless if it is abd or not. and I have seen and can verify that copious amounts of vomitus can spew from said victim depending on how much they had eaten, or drank. Here at where I work in Oklahoma if I went to the scene like that with just me (the Basic), a FF...
  15. wolfie23b

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    I am a paramedic student and to be honest if a basic is competent enough then why not let them drop an ET. Its really not that big a deal and paramedics who forget that the basic and medic are a team and the medic cannot do his/her job without a competent basic needs to retrained and remember...
  16. wolfie23b

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    Combi ok in Ok Here in Oklahoma I think they just released protocols for Basics to drop Combi tubes, an ET is considered invasive and for some reason the combitube isn't.