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  1. D

    Intubation facts when performed on our own

    Thanks, Murph... you'll notice I didn't comment on how good or bad EMS is at intubating. I'm familiar with both the extent of the problem and the barriers to improving the success rate. However, note that all 3 studies you linked me to report a pre-hospital intubation success rate of 70 to 80...
  2. D

    Intubation facts when performed on our own

    While that success rate isn't good, 22 tubes is a pretty small sample size.
  3. D

    18 GA for Stroke Alert

    Haha, yeah, yeah... it was just the example that came to mind to affirm that the concept exists.
  4. D

    18 GA for Stroke Alert

    I've heard of 18 ga. minimum for head injury in case the ED wants to administer mannitol... that was explained to me as due to molecular size of the drug. I'd be inclined to agree with Flight, but hey, that's just conjecture.
  5. D

    BVM on breathing pt

    Since... always? Not trying to be a smart-***, but I don't think it's easy to do. I've done it to tubed patients and trached patients, where there is more feedback from the pt's respirations than using a straight BVM, and I still think it's hard. Add in road noise and bumps, and it becomes...
  6. D

    BVM on breathing pt

    Omar, I wasn't asking if you could or could not use a BVM, but whether or not you could use it on a conscious patient. Making a blanket statement about your scope of practice, i.e. that you can do anything an EMT can do, is pretty hazardous. Have you been trained to do everything an EMT has...
  7. D

    BVM on breathing pt

    Wooah, sorry if that came off sounding that way. As someone who took my basic class at 17 and had to wait to achieve licensure, I assure you it's not a question of elitism. What I meant was that I doubted a 14 y/o would have to worry about not being covered by good samaritan laws because he...
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    BVM on breathing pt

    Well, after looking up the WA state FR protocols (they have protocols?!) you appear to be correct. That's the most progressive set of FR standards I've ever seen. Excuse my generalization. Is our poster from WA? I don't know. In my experience as an AHA instructor, first responder...
  9. D

    BVM on breathing pt

    Maybe in a perfect world, but I'd settle for EMTs who know the indications and contraindications of the medications they have, know where to find the mask part of the BVM after taking the bag part out of the bag, or understand the importance of a good assessment first. In the end, knowing how...