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  1. M

    working with autistic children

    Wendy, that was an awesome post! Dealing with these type of patients is definetly a challange. I try to limit my procedures with them, for example if they had a seizure and they have a history of them, I may not start an IV unless it is absolutely needed. Like Wendy has pointed out, your best...
  2. M

    Job Interview Tomorrow!

    Just be yourself. Getting a job in EMS these days is fairly easy, there is a demand for EMS people. Employers like to hear your future plans, they like to know if you are going to be a long term employee or short term. If you plan on advancing to an ALS level, that would be a great thing to...
  3. M

    Virtua health paramedic training

    Joo, You definetly need to be in a classroom with an instructer, especially if you have no advanced medicine expeirence. Then there is the clinical hours in the hospital and in the field that could never be taught on a computer. Good luck.