Search results

  1. W

    Places to Search for EMT Employment

    So far my experience in EMS is that there's not much online as far as decent, current job openings for EMT-B level. It can be difficult to get hired unless you know someone that can at least be like "Hey, I know that guy...." Just my personal findings so far...
  2. W

    Age when you joined EMS

    Started EMT class right after I turned 19 in '06. Just started medic school last July. :-)
  3. W

    Tips for BLS transfers- part 2

    Once, as a brand new EMT, I was assigned a transfer involving a patient that had supposedly attempted to commit suicide by taking some rather ineffective pills (don't remember what they were, but it wasn't going to kill him). Anyway, after getting chewed out throughly by my partner, I...
  4. W

    Hey guys...

    New member here. I've been working as an EMT for about 20 months or so, just starting a new job AND medic class. Looking forwards to participating in discussions on here. WcK (username is my old gaming moniker.)