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  1. R

    Preparing for critical care paramedic training. Tips?

    I've chosen to attend a 4-day critical care training course and then test for CCP. I'm doing this early in my EMS career because I'm still young, single, with no kids. I want to take advantage of my time while I still can. I've been a medic in a moderate-volume 911 area for one year. Before...
  2. R

    300mg slow-push Amiodarone post-ROSC, regardless of cardiac rhythm.

    What is the physiologic reasoning behind amiodarone post-ROSC? On the scene of a recent full-arrest, two of my firemedics were caught in a disagreement of the drug's use. One argued amiodarone is only to be used post-ROSC on pts who were previously in v-fib or v-tach. The other firemedic...
  3. R

    A-Fib's Biochemical Origins

    I'm a paramedic student. I'll explain the patient which inspired this question, then I'll summarize my question. Patient: During an ER clinical, a middle-aged hypotensive pt (70/32 BP) previously diagnosed with A-Fib with RVR presented with a strongly fluctuating heart rate. This pt's heart...