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  1. Austin carawan

    Identical recurring wrecks

    just got back home from working a wreck for my volunteer dept, this would mark the 3rd single vehicle rollover in the same curve. This patient was the worst of all 3. Thrown to rear of car no seatbelt, poor girl. We had her medivac'd out to Norfolk. Hopefully NCDOT will take note of this...
  2. Austin carawan

    Status epilepticus

    not sure if this is possible, or even advised, but patient in status epilepticus, while waiting for als, do you just protect airway, even if patient is not breathing at times, or can you bvm this patient with supplemental 02? I would think that may be difficult
  3. Austin carawan

    Momentary black out

    I'm having trouble recalling what these symptoms suggest, I keep leaning toward stroke, but not sure, let's say like a mid 50 male patient, he blacks out and hit a parked car while he was out, he feels no pain, but he puts a lot of effort into forming his words, my thoughts steer away from...
  4. Austin carawan

    Stroke vs aneurysm

    ive narrowed it down to these two, the patient has the worst headache of her life, with rapid onset, and blurred vision, and her left arm is weak,(tell tail stroke sign right?) she feels nauseous and her speech is slurred,are there any findings in stroke not seen in an aneurysm l, and vice...
  5. Austin carawan


    so if you had a patient with rlq pain and nauseous for 2 days and hasn't eaten much and a slightly distended abdomen the bell would ring, ding ding ding, appendicitis, right? But are there any effective interventions AS A BASIC for this? I obviously can't iv an antibiotic or remove the...
  6. Austin carawan

    Jugular distension

    if you have lung sounds on the right, but not on the left, and jugular veins are distended, and the trachea has shifted to the right, what is going on? Resp. 32 shallow pulse 120 and bp110/70 with cold clammy skin. Any help is appreciated