Search results

  1. AlaskaEMT

    Pericardial Centesis

    Do any of you have standing orders to perform Pericardial Centesis? If not, should you? After all, it's part of the H's & T's.
  2. AlaskaEMT


    In contrast with previous classes, this year we are responsible for finding our own internship sites. Do the agencies you ride with take paramedic students? I'm looking at late Apr to July. ALS calls are a must. Decent call volume. And a preceptor that actually WANTS me there. I'm...
  3. AlaskaEMT

    Salary Poll

    This is a quick poll to gauge what EMT's/Paramedics make yearly.
  4. AlaskaEMT

    Spinal Fracture Care

    Ice Cold Salene + Corticosteroids = Thoughts? I read about them doing this with an NFLer not too long ago and his recovery was remarkable. They started the cold salene immediately and kept him hypothermic for 24 hours.
  5. AlaskaEMT

    Medic School Preparation

    I have 3 months until paramedic school... If you were doing this all over again, what disciplines would you focus on to prepare yourself?
  6. AlaskaEMT

    What's an Accreditation Worth?

    Here's my question: I live in Anchorage and I know of a Paramedic program 6 hours north (Fairbanks) but it's not accredited by CoAEMSP or CAAHEP. According to the director, they're "close" to accreditation. Considering the limited amount of...
  7. AlaskaEMT

    Seated Spinal Immobilization

    In an upside-down vehicle! How does this work?
  8. AlaskaEMT

    Socialized Healthcare and EMS

    I hope I'm not the only person interested in this topic... If a Democrat takes office (and the possibility seems likely), how will socialized healthcare effect EMS? Less/more calls? Higher/lower wages? More/less funding? And many other factors I'm probably missing... what do you think...