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  1. E

    Problems in EMS

    Lack of proper funding has to be on top of the list. Most services here in the north country can't afford to pay EMTs what they are worth. I am a career EMT (over 120Hrs a pay period), and have to hold two other part time jobs to keep afloat. Equipment and supplies cost too much, and insurance...
  2. E

    Backing Ambulance into Bay

    Backing Up Rigs Yup, I know what you are talking about. Having been in charge of an ambulance service for some years, I still cringe when I see some people back up. Practice is the best tool, but here is a little hint to help you out. Before you start backing in, square your bus to the opening...
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    What a way to start a shift

    Codes You asked: I guess my whole point is: How long do you remember a run like this? How long does it take to get back to your normal self? You never forget about these calls, because you care. It will take some time for you to feel normal again, but thats only normal. Look for emotional...
  4. E

    Opqrst & Why

    Opqrst No book can teach you everything. experience and continuing education articles and seminars will continually reinforce your knowledge. Watching Techs with years of experience will be your best tool, but beware of those who have become complacent. As an instructor, I can tell you that the...
  5. E

    Old school

    OK, so hospitals use them just about religiously....but they do so in a controlled environment, not in a moving vehicle. If the roads in your area are anything lile ours, you are lucky to have your electronic monitor work at all. many things affect the workings of an electronic BP monitor. bumps...
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    Trash/Medical Waste

    Medical Trash Trash is trash...would you like it left at your house? no, you wouldn't. Treat everything and everyone as you would expect to be treated. If you are on a nasty scene and can't take the time to do it yourself, just ask someone else to do it for you, like a firemen or first...
  7. E

    I'm new..and scenario I've been wondering about

    Dear AREZ10 That question always comes up during the EMT-B classes I teach. Without adding or taking from the scenarion you are concerned about, just think ABCs. A pulseless and apneic patient is a dead patient, regardless of the condition of his spine. Assuming that the scene is safe, and that...