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  1. MyshelMarie


    It all depends on your level of learning. I have a lot of people in my academy who don't even write notes or use flashcards and they did just fine. We have these online chapter quizzes to do, and I use the online chapter quizzes to study. I only use my flashcards on words and procedures I have a...
  2. MyshelMarie


    Hey Samantha, I am currently in the EMS Academy Basic and Advanced right now, and I understand, I think one of the key things that is helping me get through and memorize my skills, is constant repetition. Over and over until I get sick. I will bother my instructors until I feel comfortable that...
  3. MyshelMarie

    EMS Mnemonics (memory device)

    MONA-(Heart Attack treatment) Morphine O2 Nitroglycerin Aspirin BCAP BTLS (when checking the mouth- BOLO) Broken Teeth Odors Lacerations Obstructions