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  1. F

    Questions about CPR

    The last time I researched it, meta analysis revealed that once your heart stops, you have about an 11% chance of surviving but only about a 7% chance of having a normal mental status. I’ve been on a few that have survived with normal mental status and one patient who we successfully...
  2. F

    How good is the job market for EMT's?

    That’s very easy to say but extremely unrealistic. Real patient movement at 0300 in a cramped back bathroom of a hoarder house allows for virtually zero correct ergonomics.
  3. F

    Questions about CPR

    No, we have a piece of equipment that does it for us. Also laypeople are generally taught hands-only cpr now..
  4. F

    Tell us the Times you've "F***** up" on a call

    It’s been probably 20 years now, but I’ll never forget the dude in the back of a cop car tell me “man, I think I’m about to have a seizure!” - proceeds to flop around for a few seconds, then wakes completely up and says “did you see my seizure??” Some days I miss the circus of inner city fire/ems..
  5. F

    Paramedic Program that doesn't require immunizations?

    That bible verse says nothing about vaccination, your (or Bryan’s) interpretation is a stretch at best. Does the Bible define those chemicals as toxicants, thereby stating that their injection defiles your body? I’m no bible scholar, but I’m pretty sure they were referring to purity of the...
  6. F

    Paramedic Program that doesn't require immunizations?

    I completely understand and agree. I’ll be honest I wasn’t as informed on this subject before I started a bit of research today on the matter and realized they nearly ever vaccine has been tested against that cell line.. I guess I’d like to know if the fetus was aborted SOLELY for the sake of...
  7. F

    Paramedic Program that doesn't require immunizations?

    By all means. Are you aware that the fetal cells used for research were harvested in the 1960s and reproduced continuously over the years?
  8. F

    Paramedic Program that doesn't require immunizations?

    Been a Christian my whole life, never found a verse in the Bible that dealt with immunizations.. Anyhoo… you’re just going to have to call the programs in your area and find out if you can sign a waiver..
  9. F

    Paramedic charged in patients death

    Negligence can be a crime under the right circumstances. Similar to Vaught, the medical negligence in this case was so egregious that it met the threshold to be considered criminal. I would agree with you on your second point, but that kinda reiterates my point that she should have...
  10. F

    Paramedic charged in patients death

    The way the article reads, she arrived back to the patient as he was starting to lose control of his muscles, which was after she had realized she had given rocuronium. The criminal level of negligence comes because she knew she gave roc and knew the patient was beginning to become paralyzed...
  11. F

    Paramedic charged in patients death

    Theoretically yes, quality BVM would work, but just drop the tube. I vehemently reject this “the system didn’t do enough to prevent me from ****ing this up”. The system typed ROCURONIUM on the front of the vial. They tried to play the “system failed me” defense with Vaught as well and it was...
  12. F

    Paramedic charged in patients death

    People get lost in the weeds on these cases, just like with Vaught. In both cases, the med error is not the criminally negligent part, the lack of care after the fact is.
  13. F

    Paramedic charged in patients death

    What’s negligent is she knew she did it before he went down and did nothing to prepare to take the airway. I don’t care if there wasn’t another paramedic doe 50 miles, everyone on scene needed to know what happened so they could work as a team to prevent the outcome which occurred. This was a...
  14. F

    Paramedic charged in patients death Cliff notes - accidentally gave roc instead of ketamine for an agitated patient. Didn’t tell anyone, apparently didn’t rapidly intubate, patient coded but died 2...
  15. F

    New double-blind a-fib trial

    I mean it is an interesting question and one I hope is being asked.. a-fib patients were once considered to be anticoagulated for life, but is that just because we’ve always done it that way? I have encountered several a-fib patients who weren’t anticoagulated, by their own choice, and they...
  16. F

    40 Years of NREMT Certification

    From personal experience, all you have to do is take the test again, I don’t even think my med director had to sign off. I think we all agree that NREMT is theoretically best suited for national advocacy and in a perfect world they’d be the accrediting body for all ems education and scope of...
  17. F

    40 Years of NREMT Certification

    You brought this on yourself. You coulda posted your accomplishment by saying how excited you were at this milestone and left it at that, but you instead opened the door by mentioning you didn’t understand the hatred for NREMT. When you got responses to that statement (likely your intent...
  18. F

    40 Years of NREMT Certification

    Not once have I judged individuals who maintain their NREMT, in fact I said exactly that. But when someone tries to elevate themselves as superior over those who don’t maintain their nremt, or pass judgment and make false assumptions as to the reasons for their lack of motivation to do so, then...
  19. F

    40 Years of NREMT Certification

    State level nursing boards report to and are in compliance with the national board of nursing. NREMT has ZERO authority over state boards of EMS.
  20. F

    40 Years of NREMT Certification

    I just noticed a nugget buried in the middle of this regarding maintenance at the lowest level possible. I’m not going to turn this into a **** swinging contest but I can assure you that this is not the case for me. Conversely, maintaining NREMT is far from the highest level. I’d also add...