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    clothing removal

    Hello, Removal of a trauma patient's clothing on scene to see the entire body for critical injuries or bleeds or in the back of the ambulance? I know school always says for testing purposes that you expose and examine a trauma patient from head to toe on scene but in reality does this happen...
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    Hello, Everyone probably has their own way and time on to when to do a history taking on a patient. When is the best time to take a patient history? During or after a primary assessment? Before loading the patient in the ambulance? During the ride to the hospital? usually it would have...
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    Hello, When is it best to take vitals from a patient that needs to be boarded. Before you log roll them on to the board and secure them or after you get them on the board and in to the ambulance?
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    traction splints

    What circumstances would you apply a traction splint in the back of the ambulance rather than on scene?
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    Medical interventions on scene

    Thanks Medic Tim! I assume that an IV would be established on scene as well before the nitro is given regardless of what the systolic BP states? Or could you give the nitro without the IV as long as the systolic reading is above 100? Would it be better to wait to establish an IV in the...
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    Medical interventions on scene

    so there would be nothing wrong with doing vitals/IV/AMPLE along with a shot of nitro on scene with a cardiac chest pain as long as it is done within 10 mins on scene with a load and go
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    Medical interventions on scene

    Hello, I am relatively new to the EMT scene in Alberta. I had a question regarding medications and on scene delivery. If a patient needs a medical intervention say nitro for chest pain or epi for anaphalaxis or salbutamol for SOB, would an EMT provide the medical intervention on scene...