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  1. C

    Dialysis patient

    Yes I agree Esrd and HTN explains the BP. I just thought the fact that this Pt is maxed out on labetalol and the BP is still in the 190s systolic that it is still high even for a dialysis Pt. basically the nurse was telling me not to worry about the BP because the Pt is a dialysis Pt.
  2. C

    Dialysis patient

    The pt had dialysis the day before I picked her up. She had a Hx of psychosis, Esrd, HTN, and diabetes. Nurse said she was maxed out in labetalol.
  3. C

    Dialysis patient

    I agree 100 percent. This patient however had her dialysis done the day before I picked her up so it is not like she went without it for a long period of time. With that said I guess everyone is different and maybe this patient in particular tends to hold fluids differently.
  4. C

    SNF call

    Always assess the ABCs especially in unresponsive patients. Airway doesn't sound patent due to the snoring respirations. You said breathing is shallow. Insert an OPA or NPA and help the patient with his breathing via BVM. Then assess o2 saturation and other vitals and go from there.
  5. C

    Dialysis patient

    I know it is common for dialysis patients to have HTN and diabetes. However I picked up a patient the other day who had a BP of 196/60. The nurse with the patient said her BP was ok because she has dialysis. I thought the systolic was high, any thoughts?