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  1. M4st3rkr0n

    MA EMT Recert help

    is anyone having an issue with EMT recert with I hold MA CERT hours summited but can not seem to send my 125 payment for my recert I go to website but can not locate my records to summit the...
  2. M4st3rkr0n

    OB Live birth video?

    I was just wondering is there any videos of life real births that I can watch to see I kind of wanna kind of see the process in motion the book is good but reading and seeing are different just wondering.
  3. M4st3rkr0n


    No not on duty just a trained EMT passing by and stopping to help
  4. M4st3rkr0n


    tnx that answered my question
  5. M4st3rkr0n


    I was just wondering say I come across a car accident and I stop to assist and while I am treating the PT local law enforcement shows up and takes control of the scene and radios for EMS then requests that I leave the scene telling me that he will take over until local EMS arrive. Would it be...
  6. M4st3rkr0n

    First EMT interview

    Ok got my first interview with Patriot Ambulance in MA and I was told that they will be giving me a general EMT knowledge test on my first interview day I finished my EMT class about a year ago and just was wondering what should I study up on or expect to see on the test. any help would be great TNX
  7. M4st3rkr0n


    Passed all my tests and finally am a registered EMT in the state of MA :rolleyes:
  8. M4st3rkr0n

    practical retest patient assessment

  9. M4st3rkr0n

    Retest Practical Exam Patient Assessment MEDICAL

    As I did in a earlier post I am going to write from memory my script for assessment of a medical patient and leave it up to the pros on this site to pick it apart and tell me what I am missing or have done wrong. Scene safety, BSI, call for ALS if needed get general impression of patient...
  10. M4st3rkr0n

    practical retest patient assessment

    Ok understandable.
  11. M4st3rkr0n

    practical retest patient assessment

    Can anyone give me any idea what scenarios they might give me for the practical exam. My last one they gave me a chest pain for medical and pedestrian hit by car for trauma.
  12. M4st3rkr0n

    practical retest patient assessment

    this is just my script for my trauma assessment I am going to do the medical script tonight at work so I can have them both picked apart in detail. but could u just explain the general impression part a little do i Just ask the tester about the general impression of patient and have them tell me...
  13. M4st3rkr0n

    practical retest patient assessment

    nope this is just trauma i am going to do medical at work tonight i want to have people pick apart both my assessments one at a time I do not want a repeat of my last deer in headlights moment I had my last test. Now about the MOI/NOI do I verbalize that at start of test and have tester give me...
  14. M4st3rkr0n

    practical retest patient assessment

    Hey I have my retest for the patient assessment in a couple weeks and I just want to see if I can do this from memory please correct any mistakes I might make scene safety, BSI, Call for extra assistance if needed have partner hold manual stabilization of spine assess patients level of...
  15. M4st3rkr0n

    Failed EMT Practical Exam by 1 station

    Thank you I will keep that in mind ill take all the help I can get :)
  16. M4st3rkr0n

    Failed EMT Practical Exam by 1 station

    Failed my medical/trauma assessment part I don't know what happened I knew everything until I walked in to the station and then as soon as I was given the scenario I became a deer in the head lights :unsure: and forgot everything. I did every single station perfect like a machine even but that...
  17. M4st3rkr0n

    Failed EMT Practical Exam by 1 station

    lucky for me they sent me the failed skills sheet with the letter so I know just what to be ready for tnx for the advice
  18. M4st3rkr0n

    Failed EMT Practical Exam by 1 station

    took 8 weeks to get this news but I was able to receive a retest date in nov so at least i can get this done quick
  19. M4st3rkr0n

    Failed EMT Practical Exam by 1 station

    so I got my letter in the mail informing me that I have failed my EMT exam by 1 station the Trauma/Medical Assessment part I have a retest in Nov and was wondering if anyone had any study tips or tricks that might help me out. I am memorizing the skill sheet but could use a little advise. :glare:
  20. M4st3rkr0n

    MA Written Exam

    I have passed my practical exam and want to know what to expect to be on the written exam.:wacko: any tips on preparing would be greatly appreciated.:rolleyes: