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  1. S

    EMT as a career

    Thanks. I mainly wanted to get the EMT-B in hopes to land a part time (full would be better) and continue school. From the sounds of it, seems like I'll be lucky to get volunteer work lol. Guess I gotta bite the bullet, give it a shot and hope for the best. I guess with volunteer work i could at...
  2. S

    EMT as a career

    Wow, thanks for all the responses and input. Just to be clear, I did not leave police work to go EMT, I left because it was not a job I wanted to pursue. Looks like I'll be meeting with some advisors and try to figure out a path. At the very least I could volunteer with the basic until I find...
  3. S

    EMT as a career

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here, so hopefully it is in the right spot. Anyway, I am 25 and currently residing in Houston Tx. I was a police officer for about a year when I turned 21 but left because of personal/political issues and beliefs. I returned to school, and have since...