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  1. B

    Why don't a lot of EMTs go on to paramedic school?

    I can only speak on behalf of the students that took the EMT class with me. On talking to many of them the motivation for EMT was: 1) Looks good when applying to nursing school 2) Looks good when applying to med school 3) looks good when applying to PA school 4) looks good when...
  2. B

    Volunteer before going paid or dive straight in?

    Because I am rich like Scrooge McDuck and I don't need the dam money! :lol: In all seriousness though, I assume if I volunteer first it will be more attarctive when I look for the paid gig.
  3. B

    Volunteer before going paid or dive straight in?

    Good advice, thank you. I will not drop the volunteer, I am almost offically on the sqaud so it makes no sense to go and drop. As for the paid, what I am thinking now is give the volunteer solo a few weeks, see how it is and then perhaps add in a paid with the volunteer. I have no idea as to...
  4. B

    Volunteer before going paid or dive straight in?

    Alright so I am wondering if anyone can lend some insight. I recently recieved my EMT-B and I am wondering if it would be better to look for volunteer work or jump into paid right away? Let me paint a picture of my current situation. I will be returning to school in the fall to pursue...