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  1. W

    Light or No Lights?

    We are dispatched by PD and they do not give a priority. So saying they get the "priority right" most of the time is simply not factual. You are making the assumption that I'm given a priority and ignore it. We are not EMD'd. Again, you are making a lot of assumptions about my service and...
  2. W

    How does your company number its ambulances?

    It's county based in the format of XXYZ. XX is your 2-number agency identifier. Y will be A if you are ALS, B if you are BLS, M if you are a medic fly car, etc. Z starts at 1 and increases with every unit. So, if you are agency 55, you might have 55A1, 55A2, and 55M1. The nice thing...
  3. W

    Light or No Lights?

    We run L&S on nearly all responses, particularly since our dispatches are known to be wrong. I've been called to a "teen not feeling well" only to roll up on him in full cardiac arrest! Of course, I've also responded to "pregnant, full-term female hemorrhaging" only to determine, on-scene...
  4. W

    Neuro Deficits

    On your PCR, if you say the Pt had "no neuro deficits", what all are you including in that? PMSx4, AOx3, PEARL, passed the Cinci stroke test (if warranted), what else???
  5. W

    Shift Change

    - Sleeping bag. You don't want to sleep on whatever linens were left from the previous 24. - Pillow(s). See above. - Hat. Unless your hair looks good at 0200. - A laptop with an HD or thumb drive full of movies, TV shows, reruns of Emergency! - Toiletries bag with normal overnight stuff...
  6. W

    Thoughts on taking BGL as part of your assessment.

    Actually, it's NOT in Westchester Co's protocols either.
  7. W

    School me on EMT insurance

    Ultimately, your agency's policy is there to protect your agency's best interest. You get personal EMT (liability) insurance to protect your own best interest. Remember, contrary to popular belief, people can sue for any reason. Whether the case has merit or not is another story, but only...
  8. W

    Medical Patient assessment: do I put NRMask on before OPQRST/SAMPLE?

    When getting my EMT-B, for "testing purposes", I learned it as needing three things in each category, as appropriate: Airway: (1) Open it, (2) Suck it, (3) Stick it (opa/npa) Breathing: (1) Expose it, (2) Osculate it, (3) Palpate it (O2 as necessary) Circulation: (1) Pulse (is it there?)...
  9. W

    NREMT vs NYS test

    I believe if you renew the CME route instead of the test route, you won't have to take it:
  10. W

    NJ Volunteer EMS

    Are you talking about 911 or transport? Not sure about NJ, but in NY, you have to have a Certificate of Need to operate and that defines your area. If my CON was for Ardsley, and somebody called us for a non-emergent transport, then I can do the transport as long as either the origin or...
  11. W

    O2 via Injection

    Oops. My bad. I think my screen must have been cached as I didn't see it.
  12. W

    O2 via Injection

    This is a very interesting article about newly tested oxygen injections. If somebody is in respiratory failure, this injection would given them SpO2 of near 100% instantly. I wonder where the CO2 ends up going?
  13. W

    Incentives to not transport codes?

    That's very interesting.
  14. W

    Help With Splinting

    As long as the knot holds, does it really make a difference if it is square?
  15. W

    the 100% directionless thread

    I'm going to start reading this thread from the beginning to make sure I don't duplicate post. -_-
  16. W

    Closed mid shaft femur fracture

    For those EMT students out there, better look at your practical exam sheets. For testing purposes, they usually like for you to immobilize before boarding.
  17. W

    NREMT vs NYS test

    The NYS exam was MUCH easier than any practice exam I took. I believe they are moving to national standards in the fall -- you are probably one of the last to take the current iteration.