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  1. H

    Vomiting, abdominal pain, significant bradycardia

    How long ago was his TBI? Cause? Severity? Treatment?
  2. H

    You're in a C-130....

    Release his 'chute. Finish applying the tourniquet to control the bleeding. Is this a hostile environment, or a training jump?
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    the 100% directionless thread

    Sorry, that post should have said 2007.5. The LMM came out in 2007.5 ..... (somedays, I swear..... <_< ) I don't know which model they are up to now, but I would imagine they have only kept getting better on the calibration side. I love my EcoBoost, and with the exception of the the...
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    the 100% directionless thread

    I did some calibration work for GM on the Duramax a few years ago. If you can swing it, look for 2009.5 or newer with the LMM. It was a HUGE step up from the previous model (LMI, I think......but don't quote me). That being said, forget GM altogether and go get and F150 with the EcoBoost!!
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    the 100% directionless thread

    At least 3 of them.....
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    Tragic end to Kiwi soldiers' mercy mission

    That was intense. Very cool to see though. Thanks for sharing.
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    SW Asia: how well protected are in-theater medical folks and their patients?

    Apparently not so: We're going to go backwards instead, and spend way too much money on something that, in reality, will probably prove to be no better than an up-armored Humvee. Unbelievable.
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    SW Asia: how well protected are in-theater medical folks and their patients?

    I think the ROE needs to loosened a little bit. I'm certainly not advocating rolling into villages and shooting everything in sight. However, opening things up so that we could be somewhat offensive, rather than 110% defensive would be a great start. It is also my *personal opinion* that warning...
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    SW Asia: how well protected are in-theater medical folks and their patients?

    I guess I don't understand what you're trying to ask. Yes, there are certain trucks that do a better job protecting the occupants from a blast than others. Yes, even the good trucks wouldn't handle the largest IEDs very well. One of the other threads got into a discussion about vehicle...
  10. H

    Tragic end to Kiwi soldiers' mercy mission

    Please understand, I was not trying to insult NZ in any way. I spent a lot of time dealing with roadside bombs over there, and it angers me to no end that we still have friendly troops being sent outside the wire, for any reason, with inadequate equipment to deal with the threat. We, as a...
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    Tragic end to Kiwi soldiers' mercy mission

    "Step forward now, you soldiers, You've borne your burdens well. Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets, You've done your time in Hell." Rest easy brothers and sister, we have the watch. Is New Zealand really still using humvees for combat patrols?
  12. H

    Frontline Medicine

    Not directly related to enemy contact, but musculoskeletal injuries (primarily neck and back) have always been problem relating to armor. Obviously there are plenty of other way to injure your neck and back while not wearing armor, but I'm not counting those at the moment. With more and more...
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    Frontline Medicine

    I can't speak for all units across the US Army/military service, but I have generally found that most soldiers I came across were familiar with the CAT's and pressure dressings. We are also issued a hemostatic gauze (Link Here), for inguinal, axillary, and neck wounds. I would say that the...
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    Military ambulance photo thread in another forum

    I can't speak to the abilities of the Jackal, however, I do know that the US MATV has some pretty impressive mobility. If I had to pick a vehicle to go up against the Jackal in a mobility test, it'd be the MATV. The MATV's mobility came at the expense of blast protection, so it is possible...
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    Military ambulance photo thread in another forum

    I know what style you're talking about. I didn't have a lot of personal experience with the nets though. We had the older style bar armor that was just an aluminum cage that surrounded the vehicle. I have two guys that are still walking around today as a direct result of that bar armor...
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    Military ambulance photo thread in another forum

    With things like 7.62mm and smaller, various fragments/debris (depending on distance from the blast), and all the rocks that the kids like to throw, that glass can be your best friend. That sounds........intense....
  17. H

    Military ambulance photo thread in another forum

    Rocket - You're probably right about the vehicles that will be left in country, however I would really like to see as many of the RGs and Cougars as possible brought home. They are infinitely better suited to deal with IED threats than the MATV or MaxxPro ever will be. With the exception of...
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    After re-reading this, I realized I did not do a very good job of wording my question (and I can't figure out how to edit my post), so let me try again. Would I be correct in thinking that Toradol is contra-indicated for pain management of non-life threatening injuries if the patient has a...
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    Would I be correct in thinking that Toradol is contra-indicated for unknown/suspected TBI? Specifically referring to blast/explosion victims with no other life threatening injuries.
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Army Reserve Medic. 95% of all my medical experience is military. I did a little bit of civilian work with a volunteer company a few years ago, looking to get back into that. Mostly just here to lurk and learn, but I'll chime in if I think I can actually say anything productive.