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  1. URI

    Morphine vs fentanyl myocardial o2 demand

    So I was wondering what you guys thought about the effects of Morphine vs. Fentanyl on myocardial O2 demands. In Medic school they taught me the MONA acronym for remembering tx. of CHF. (Morphine, O2, Nitro, ASA) My protocols specifically suggest using Morphine for CHF because it decreases...
  2. URI

    Albuterol alternative for allergic reactions

    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had some insight on some good recommendations for alternatives for Albuterol. If a patient were allergic to Albuterol, what would be your first med choice? Currently, we stock Albuterol, Terbutaline, and Epi. But I was wondering if Atrovent would be the...
  3. URI

    Difficulty breathing

    Hi guys, Im new to the forums, and fairly new to EMS as well so please bear with me if my questions seem a little elementary, but this is how we learn. Anyway I'm still a basic but I have only the NREMT- P practical before I'm a medic. I volunteer for a local FD where we only serve 6k people...
  4. URI


    This message is a token of my appreciation to the regular EMTs and Paramedics who post regularly on this form. I have been following the ALS discussions for the past 3 months while attending paramedic school. I honestly feel as though I learned as much from these forums as much as the entire...