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  1. R

    Best Trauma Shears?

    Not sure if this is the right place for this thread--I didn't see a "Gear" section of the forum, but here goes. I had an experience the other day where I had to cut through a pretty thick jacket on a trauma patient, and found it to be a pretty frustrating experience with the sh*tty shears my...
  2. R

    Cold water drowning/nonfatal submersion

    Somewhere during my EMS training I remember reading or perhaps learning in a CE lecture that victims of cold water drowning tended to respond better to resuscitation attempts than "traditional" cardiac arrest patients (the saying "you're not dead until you're warm and dead" springs to mind), but...
  3. R

    Why EMS instead of MD/Nurse/Other profession?

    I'm new and I know this is a pretty broad topic--if it's in the wrong place or already been done to death, feel free to shut it down and/or point me to an existing thread. So here goes. I'm currently an EMT-B and supposed get my Bachelors this coming spring. I'm in the process of trying to...