Search results

  1. L

    Shops or online stores that sell EMS gear?

    Hi there, I live in Edmonton AB Canada and I was wondering if anyone knew some good online stores to purchase EMS related shirts and gear? I know of supply sergeant in Edmonton and have ordered from 911 out of Calgary. Anyone know of any other stores in Edmonton that sell this...
  2. L

    Ride along?

    I just completed a 12 hour nightshift ride along and had an amazing experience! I was with a great crew that allowed me to do vitals although it was a slow nights I felt I had gained some valuable expeience and it definetly helped push me making the decision to continue in the field
  3. L

    Edmonton and Area EMT programs

    Hi there, I'm new to this site so please forgive me if this question has been answered before. Ive recently completed my EMR course and am studying for ACP. Im researching different schools to take my EMT course at and although Ive asked a few men and women in the field I am looking for some...