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  1. S

    EMT-B's that pass the test amaze me..

    I agree that instead of whining at what your partner is doing wrong that maybe you should be helping him/her out. This will not only serve him to better himself as an EMT it will also help you as a person. Negativity will get you nowhere. Didn't you get into this field to help people, who better...
  2. S

    First fatality

    I have been doing this for a bit, since 06, and still shed a tear every time someone doesn't make it. In this field you have to have compassion, they all sting, some more then others, it's when they don't sting that I would begin to worry. Celebrate the ones you can save and learn from the ones...
  3. S

    New one on me!

    Most CPR protocols, that I know of, state that unless it is a witnessed arrest you should do a round of CPR before defibrillating to get O2 back in the system. We do CPR while the officer does respirations and the other medic hooks up the life pack and analyze ASAP. Either which way I have only...
  4. S

    Advice to a "Newbie"

    1. Remember BSI less you want a mouth full of amniotic fluid. 2. If the cops are waiting at the ambulance there's a reason for it so don't forget the Noxzema under your nose. 3. CPR is to prevent a lawsuit so don't get upset when they don't make it, 9/10 they won't. It's one hell of a workout...
  5. S

    Tips for Climbing the EMT Ladder?

    Always know what you are talking about, if you don't keep your mouth shut. Respect and listen to those who know more than you if you hope to one day be in their shoes. I was lucky when I first started in the EMS field to have 4 people who had over a century of combined experience training me. I...