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  1. controversial

    Unitek 2 Week EMT-Basic Boot Camp

    I live in the area, and yesterday I even volunteered as a patient for their trauma sunday. I admit that when I first heard about the school I was a little doubtful, and when they first started their school it wasn't all that great. However now many of the ambulance companies around the area...
  2. controversial

    Unitek 2 Week EMT-Basic Boot Camp

    Alright, I admit I was a bit trollish on my last post I would say that has to depend on how much you apply yourself, the size of class to teacher ratio, and what resources are actually provided. For example, if you have a huge class and a few teachers and limited resources.... your...
  3. controversial

    Unitek 2 Week EMT-Basic Boot Camp

    "dumbing down Education"? :rofl: Yeah right, these classes have more hours, and they aren't just here or there, the students live their training. They get trained well, they know what they are doing, and they know what they are expected to do. I would be happy to have graduates from there work...
  4. controversial

    Unitek 2 Week EMT-Basic Boot Camp

    Bunkie I can understand your views but Unitek is actually really awesome. And while the class may only take 14 days, its 12 hours a day and a total of 168 hours. The $4000 you pay to go there is well worth it, it covers your hotel, food for the full 14 days, live scan, national registry, and...