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    Book recommendations?

    Hi all. I noticed Dale Dubin's EKG book was pretty popular around here so I picked up a copy--great book. Are there any other medical books that you enjoy or find particularly useful (clinical books or even some enjoyable nonfiction works)? Andy Edit: Id particularly like suggestions for...
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    Going straight into Medic School

    to the OP: which state are you in? it's interesting that not all states require ______ hours of field experience prior to admittance to a medic program
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    Job Outlook in California?

    Sorry, searched "California jobs" and browsed thru the first couple pages I think in California you need work experience before being admitted to any paramedic programs? I'm not so concerned about money--I would be tickled pink if I could even volunteer on an ambulance shift for free a couple...
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    Job Outlook in California?

    Hi everyone I'm Andy I'm going to be taking a local EMT course this fall and I'm a little worried about getting a job post-NR. I'm in Modesto, California (it's about halfway between Fresno and Sacramento). For you folks who already work in this area or who may have some info, what's the EMS...