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  1. P

    NYC Medic

    +1!!! lol I honestly would be a little more concerned about reviewing the testing standards first and trying to get in before worrying about wages, OT, shifts, etc. If you do get in, I can GUARANTEE you that you will get the crappiest shifts available as well as more overtime than you know...
  2. P

    Partner got mad at me. Was I wrong?

    I just read this thread and can't believe what your partner feels is "crossing the line". How much time has he spent in the back of a rig in recent years? I've been at this game for over 20 years now and have done the exact same thing several times. As several people have pointed out earlier...
  3. P

    Immature EMTs

    You don't know unless you try. Look, I'm not trying to break your balls. All I'm saying is put forth a little effort and try to guide and educate them instead of simply dismissing them as a lost cause. Its not only bad for them, but for the image of your squad or company if they continue with...
  4. P

    Immature EMTs

    Let me ask something, if I may. Did you talk to this individual afterwards about their conduct? If not, then part of the problem is you. I know you may not want to hear that, but its the truth. There's an old saying that goes "If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem"...