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    THOR- robotic first responder.

    Oh, good...let's take an already terrifying event and add this: Sounds like a good plan.
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    Really most sincerely dead.

    A lot of physicians use the SPIKES protocol, even for non-cancer discussions. Having a step-by-step process for the provider can make it easier from a procedural standpoint (prepping the provider to deliver the bad news, giving them a methodology and suggested responses, etc.). However, since...
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    Nothing like waiting until the last minute to find this stuff out...
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    LUCAS 2 vs. Zoll Autopulse

    "My service was one of the first around here to use the Lucas and we're using it as part of a CCR study; our current save rate is ten times the national average (~45%) under the study using the Lucas." Study guidelines: cardiac (not respiratory or traumatic) arrests with a known down time. Read...
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    LUCAS 2 vs. Zoll Autopulse

    Nope. CCR pilot program.
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    LUCAS 2 vs. Zoll Autopulse

    Walks out of the hospital.
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    LUCAS 2 vs. Zoll Autopulse

    I have personally used both the AutoPulse and the Lucas on the same patient; our service was test-driving the Lucas while we had the AutoPulse. ~80F in cardiac arrest on our arrival; AutoPulse placed on backboard, patient placed on AutoPulse / backboard, and AutoPulse started. When we went...
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    RI EMT License

    Safety Program Consultants ( in Taunton teaches them semi-regularly as well. I had heard a rumor that RI was going to drop the EOA / MAST class and move over to a purely National Registry certification; guess that went the way of requiring Cardiacs to carry an ACLS certification...
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    Printable Paramedic NREMT Exam Questions
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    Phillips MRX Pairing

    All of the monitor manufacturers typically require their own software (or firmware) to be able to transmit data. So while you'll probably be able to make the MRX "visible" from a bluetooth perspective you won't actually be able to useably pair your cel phone with the monitor unless Phillips has...
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    CE Ideas

    When I taught the geriatrics module I used to pull out the "fogey suit" - goggles wrapped in saran wrap (to simulate retinal degeneration), big winter gloves and boots (to simulate neuropathy) ankle and wrist weights (and sometimes a vest to shift their center of balance), and hearing protectors...
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    What kind of program do you use for ePCR's?

    Our service uses AmbuPro EMS ( I like it a lot; there's a lot you can do with it beyond "typing pretty run reports". I haven't used anything else but other users who work elsewhere have pretty uniformly stated their preference for AmbuPro over some of the other major competitors.
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    MA Paramedic Exam

    I found the NREMT written exam to be slightly more difficult than the Mass one, but also much better written. I believe you'll have to challenge both the practical and written exams (practical first, written second).
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    Massachusetts Written exam emt-b

    Spend a little extra time on Operations, OB/GYN, and trauma - those are the three sections that folks typically have an issue with.
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    re cert in MA help

    You can usually get con-ed credit for M&M rounds, too - check with the local hospitals (I believe Beverly hospital is closest to Middleton?) to see if they offer them and when. They're cool because a) you get to see some cool cases, b) you often get to hear first-hand from the folks who treated...
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    EMT-B Practical Exam MA queistion

    I'm fairly sure that the standard response is "six to eight weeks", which is what I used to tell the students I taught. Here's how it works: 1) You and your classmates take your exam at whatever site was selected. A group of state-certified examiner and a lead examiner (who is in charge of the...
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    New FDNY Ambulance

    Ha! I actually know the answer to this one. I've seen a couple of local NICU / PICU units that use these. The crew essentially becomes taxi drivers - they show up, pick up the 5-person NICU team from the local children's hospital and all of their gear (built into a modified Stryker stretcher)...
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    What did they fall from? A standing position? A golf cart? The top of a 30 foot ladder? "just" pain management is a pretty big deal when it's your patella that's been moved 90 degrees from where it's supposed to be. There's also the side benefits of analgesia - to wit, muscle relaxation...
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    What type of watch do you have?

    A Gir watch: It seems to be the industry standard around here.
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    Paramedic class assignment

    I've been told that a 500 cc fluid bolus will also slow contractions (assuming, of course, that mom can handle the extra fluid). Buttocks - in general, nope. Local protocols state that that kind of breech delivery gets transported, with mom on her hands and knees and her butt in the air with...