Search results

  1. S

    Are there any memoirs(preferrably Kindle/Nook) written about EMS in this century?

    Seems that every book I buy and read is entertaining and sometimes to a point educational, but all of them are written about events that happened from the mid '70s to the late '90s. There are no memoirs that I can find about events that occurred in the last decade. Are there any out there that...
  2. S

    Is EMS right for me?

    OK, I can't back this next statement up, but I can honestly believe it. The county I live in has one of the worst drug problems in the entire state. And (this is fact), it's also one of the largest counties in the entire state. The former statement I made, well, long story short, I used to...
  3. S

    Is EMS right for me?

    About a year ago, my nephew had his third birthday party at the fire station that covers my sis and brother-in-law's neighborhood. While several of the kids were out playing in one of the garages, I hung back to talk with the firefighters. First of all, I thanked them for what they did...
  4. S

    Is EMS right for me?

    Sorry about that. I meant to allow everyone to see that. I live in South Carolina. Let me see if I can update my profile so that everyone can see the state I live in. SG
  5. S

    Is EMS right for me?

    I did some looking around. My local community college offers a 156 hour EMT-B course for $695 + ~$150 in books. So, that's $850 on the courses alone. And, unfortunately, the branch of the community college where it's taught is in the middle of a fairly heavily trafficked area of town with...
  6. S

    Is EMS right for me?

    Really enjoying meeting all these iOS developers here as well :) As far as my back goes, no injuries there. My knee isn't bad, but it is just annoyingly painful enough to keep me from "taking a knee" on that knee. Otherwise, it usually takes days of exercise before I really started noticing...
  7. S

    Is EMS right for me?

    That was going to be my next set of questions... First of all, are there any books you all would recommend that I read that would help give me a little bit of a head start before going into the classes? Which classes would you specifically recommend I take while healing up after surgery so...
  8. S

    Is EMS right for me?

    Right now, I work full time as an IT contractor getting anywhere from 40 hours per week to 55+ hours per week depending on the week. During my free time, I have started a sole proprietorship (that I hope to turn into an S-Corp or LLC before the end of the year) doing iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad...
  9. S

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hi, everyone. My name is Brandt. Level of EMS: None. Will be asking several questions on this site before I make a decision as to whether I'm a good candidate for EMS. Current age: 34 Approximate age after receiving EMT-B certification: 36 Future education plans: Would like to get my...