Search results

  1. Putrid Existence

    I don't want to work with someone who has no interest in medicine/health

    This I can relate to. In my EMT program, I'm only 1 of 3 people who wants a career in EMS, not fire. Mostly everyone else is going for fire academy, 2nd would be PA school and nursing would be 3rd.
  2. Putrid Existence

    EMS and relationships

    My girlfriend of 3 years (she's an RN) works at one of the hospitals I'm having my ER clinicals at, if that's worth anything. I'm constantly talking her ear off about what I've been learning in school, and she's definitely helped me learn and understand a lot of things. Let's just see how things...
  3. Putrid Existence

    Finally got in!

    I don't expect to find a job right out of the gate, but I don't mind. Getting in was the most difficult obstacle to get over, for now, and I'm just glad I get to be there and learn everything.
  4. Putrid Existence

    Finally got in!

    After trying for the past year to get into an EMT program in my area at one of the local community colleges, I finally got in. Things that were keeping me from attending before were either finances, the computer registration systems being down, or just plain bad luck. I can't wait to learn and...
  5. Putrid Existence

    Fire-based EMS vs EMTs?

    For the record, I didn't know what else to title the thread, as I'm not entirely familiar with the proper terms for each kind of person and their role within EMS. Still learning folks.
  6. Putrid Existence

    Fire-based EMS vs EMTs?

    Can you give an example or two please?
  7. Putrid Existence

    Fire-based EMS vs EMTs?

    So, browsing around these forums, and just the internet in general, there seems to be quarrel between fire-based EMS and regular EMTs. If the fire fighters have EMS covered, then what's the point of having EMTs in the first place? Not trying to start any arguments, I'm just genuinely curious and...
  8. Putrid Existence

    Can someone from California clarify this for me

    Thanks for the info. Also, I live near Riverside, and I'm going to be attending the Moreno Valley College EMT-B class next week, if I can get in.
  9. Putrid Existence

    Can someone from California clarify this for me

    So, as far as I've known, the levels of EMS have been EMT-B, EMT-I, and EMT-P. But according to Wikipedia (I know, not the most reliable source), they have this: - First Responder - EMT - Advanced EMT - Paramedic So what's the difference between a "first responder" and an "EMT" and an...
  10. Putrid Existence

    (Hopefully) starting EMT training soon...

    ... and I'm really excited but extremely nervous all at the same time. I'm doubting myself and my abilities, but I don't even know what they are yet. I'm sure it's just nerves. I've been trying to get into EMT programs for the past year or so, and all the local community colleges have been...
  11. Putrid Existence

    Cares Enough to Wear Pink

    Supporting breast cancer awareness has become a fad. That's all these pink shirts, wristbands, stickers, and whatever other novelty have turned a horrible disease into. Yes, there are other illnesses/diseases/etc out there that are just as bad, if not worse, but all this "go pink" stuff has made...
  12. Putrid Existence

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hey all, new here. I'm just gonna lay it all out there. So my name is Brandon, I'm 23, from Southern California. I've always been really interested in medicine, especially anatomy. I hope to become a forensic pathologist someday, but as for now, the EMT/Paramedic field is very interesting to me...