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  1. Street Doc

    Chest Pain and Oxygen

    Pt with legitimate Chest Pain, stable vitals, SPO2 99%, and little or no EKG ectopy. Now, do they get a nonrebreather or nasal cannula? I always use a NRB but lately I have been getting questioned by some RN's. My reason is this... When someone is having a possible CVA they get a NRB even...
  2. Street Doc

    ETOH but A&O3

    OK what would you guys do if you had a pt with moderate ETOH on board but still A&O3, GCS 15 and refusing transport? There is nothing wrong with this pt at all, vitals stable. He is a little unsteady on his feet but he is sitting at a booth at a local Coney Island drinking a coffee. PD wants...