Search results

  1. S

    Would you recommend emt b/paramedic as a career to anyone?

    I am having a hard time deciding whether I should make the jump to become a EMT B and eventually a paramedic. I have a few options Im looking at but, in the medical field, Ive narrowed it down to EMT-B/P or Respiratory Therapist(or RN, but thats another story..). My situation right now is...
  2. S

    Paramedic cert or AS degree?

    How benefical would an associate of science in EMS be? Its just the paramedic and basic core w/ general education classes(A&P, English, math, humanties, psych).
  3. S

    To those who don't want to make EMS a career, what do you plan on doing

    Hello all! I'm just about decided on taking my basic classes before going onto medic school next spring, however I'm having some doubts. There is no doubt in my mind that I will enjoy EMS at some point(maybe not as a basic :glare: ) but at what point in my life will I have enough of EMS...
  4. S

    Burnout rate

    I have heard from many people that a paramedic career has a high burnout rate. Is this true? Why? I understand that after a certain age, I will most likely be unable to do the physical duties required but is there something else? Is it just THAT stressful? I'm only 19 right now, so being...
  5. S

    About going from EMT B to Paramedic and beyond

    Im looking at a community college program that allows me to get my EMT B in one semester and then go after my Paramedic (almost two years for this). Right now I'm making almost $10/hour as a patient transporter. Should I expect more as a EMT B? In Florida? How are the job prospects? Do they...