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  1. N


    The user guide says to only put objective pt info there, and not to use it for a narrative. It would seem that emsCharts suggests to just use the activity log.
  2. N


    Where do you write a narrative in emsCharts?
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    Maintaining Certifications in MA & NJ

    Thanks! If all goes as planned, I'll be a member of Clark EMS.
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    Maintaining Certifications in MA & NJ

    I'm currently certified as an EMT-B in NJ. I'm starting at college in MA in the fall, where I'm planning to volunteer on the campus squad and continue to volunteer in NJ on breaks. I've got the reciprocity process all sorted out, but I'm unclear about CEUs since those are generally approved...
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    My reports are generally chronological: "Unit # arrive on scene to find pt [supine/seated/walking toward rig]. Pt c/o [main symptoms]. Pt assessed [vitals/NOI/MOI & related details]. [Immediate on scene treatment] [Movement to rig] [Treatment & condition during transport] [Arrival at XXY...
  6. N

    Massachusetts EMT-B Test

    Thanks. It looks like I only need to take the written exam and pay about $200.
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    Massachusetts EMT-B Test

    Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I was wondering how MA will deal with the fact that I was certified as an EMT-B in NJ before the new national standards took effect.
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    Duplicate nj emt card

    Call NJ OEMS at (609) 633-7777. They can generally print the card in the same day you call and mail it within 1-2 days.
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    Summer EMT-B in South Jersey/Philly

    If it's not listed there, it doesn't exist. All EMT courses in NJ must be registered with the state and posted on the site.
  10. N

    Summer EMT-B in South Jersey/Philly

    All the EMT courses in NJ are listed here: Make sure to select "EMT Initial Training Course" from the first drop-down and "3 months from today" from the third drop-down. Also, unless you want to work in PA, you need to take your course in...
  11. N

    union county college NJ medic program ???

    I got my EMT cert with them. Not sure if any of the instructors are the same, but I was very happy with the program.
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    Instant Meals/MREs

    @n7lxi - Thanks. I will be at Bernard Mevs. Although, I've been told that I won't be able to leave the hospital complex.
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    Instant Meals/MREs

    I think I'll have access to hot water, but I could also use this:
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    Instant Meals/MREs

    I'm going to be in Haiti for a week with Project Medishare. I have to bring my own "instant meals" for dinners. Any suggestions?
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    Daylight savings time

    Just wondering how you would log times on a PCR for this Sunday morning on a call that crosses over daylight savings time. Also, the next call could theoretically appear to have happened earlier then the previous one.
  16. N

    anyone have an issue with Sandy Hook?

    In terms of resources immediately available, the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps has 3 rigs. ( Since it's a volunteer system, there was probably 1-2 in service at the time, but I'm sure all 3 rigs and additional EMTs showed up for this. In...
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    Post your state EMT patch

  18. N

    Certified Emergency Vehicle Operator in NJ

    Check with your training officer or the state dept. of EMS ( As far as I know, CEU classes are available to all EMTs - probationary or not. I just got my full cert and was never blocked from classes before.
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    Certified Emergency Vehicle Operator in NJ

    I believe you can take it at any age if you have your cert, but most places won't let you drive until you're 21.
  20. N

    International internships?

    Check out Project Medishare in Haiti. I know there are a few people on here who have gone.