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  1. IsraelEMS

    My CVA pt Took Aspirin

    He didn't actually tell us that he took the aspirin until I asked what he had taken for the pain. Then he told me he took the aspirin and said it didn't help and now the pain was worse. Also, aspirin is not commonly used as a pain killer here. The fact that he took it for a headache is...
  2. IsraelEMS

    My CVA pt Took Aspirin

    Yes. Diabetic (uncontrolled, his blood sugar was 380), hypertensive, history of TIA. It's so sad when you get that train wreck of a patient. And in CVA there is literally nothing you can do except get them to the ER as quick as possible. We opened the CVA protocol at the hospital and went as...
  3. IsraelEMS

    My CVA pt Took Aspirin

    My CVA pt took aspirin for his headache. Then he called us and said that the headache was worse now and that he could no longer use his right arm or leg. The thing is the guy had a history of previous TIAs. Why did he even have aspirin in the house? Thank G-d he was still alive by the time we...
  4. IsraelEMS

    What was your first 911 call?

    Does 911 dispatch you directly? In Israel there is only 1 national dispatch that answers 101 (our version of 911 calls) and dispatches ambulances. Its a national ambulance service so no different companies. Also, all of our dispatches are also field medics. This helps in getting the right...
  5. IsraelEMS

    What was your first 911 call?

    Interesting. So how does 911 decide which ambulane to send? Are there ambulances that only do 911 calls? Does this differ by state?
  6. IsraelEMS


    @ChrisEMTA , you didn't lose the baby. You showed up to a parent's scariest moment (speaking from experience on both sides) and you took the mother seriously. You treated her baby and brought them to the hospital. You know that you helped the baby, but you will never understand the impact you...
  7. IsraelEMS

    What was your first 911 call?

    My first call after being fully certified? Terrorist Attack. A bus exploded and I treated the driver alone. He had a partial amputation of the lower leg. Don't recommend it for a first pt. On another track, I don't understand what you mean by working but only having 2 911 calls. In the US are...
  8. IsraelEMS

    EMS Education Podcasts?

    Thanks. I'll check them all out. I really like MCHD although there is plenty there that doesn't apply here (like the legal or procedural). I simply like learning new things or hearing case studies. I find this a great way to do it.
  9. IsraelEMS


    Mgr22, I agree 100%. Too many people come in thinking either that its all lights and sirens, blood and gore or that they will save the world every day. Neither is realistic. When you learn to take the little moments as wins, it helps a lot. I guess I wish that there was a way to hand people the...
  10. IsraelEMS


    Somedays its the bad calls, the CPR in PPE, the trauma that you go to too late, suicide, the domestic abuse, etc. I had a shift a couple weeks ago that was 10 hours straight of depressing calls. It ended with a guy who beat and choked his wife so bad that she almost died. While she was conscious...
  11. IsraelEMS

    Should we of Initiated cpr earlier

    OP: Do your BLS units have AEDs and Monitors?
  12. IsraelEMS

    EMS Education Podcasts?

    Do you have ones that you love?
  13. IsraelEMS

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    HI. I live in Israel. I was an EMT and EMT Instructor but took a break from EMS to have 6 kids. Now I'm back for about a year and loving it. Just found the forum and thrilled to be able to talk about EMS in English.