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  1. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    Here, I'll attempt to translate for you. You're in critical care, no? CCEMT-P is a very intensive endeavor, which most medics gave to spend months preparing for. You've undoubtedly spent a lot of time studying, practicing, and refining the foundation that you started with. It's a pretty high...
  2. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    Yeah, mr. Rocketmedic was a little abrasive. You can blame the Army for that. I doubt it's anything personal though, no need for the passive agressiveness, man. While we're on the topic of passive aggressiveness though, did you not study those same text books while you were in school? Sure...
  3. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    This is the last I'm going to contribute to this banter; at 6:28-6:32, the entire thing is wrapped up (smugly, by the way) with the questionas to why ALS is used so "widely" when it's demonstrated (in this very specific topic) to possibly have no positive effect, or a deleterious effect on...
  4. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    Amen. That's what I was getting at.
  5. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    I'm not sure if you're purposely being contrary, but I'm not going to run around in circles with you. Listen to what he says. That's all I'm gonna say about it.
  6. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    It's in the middle of the video. Go back and look.
  7. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    Bro. If you're not confident enough in your knowledge base to differentiate between what's right for the people you take care of, and some flavor-of-the-month speculation and conjectures, it's gonna be a looooong career for you.
  8. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    Don't waste energy on it. Follow your guidelines.
  9. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    The counter argument to the ALS vs. BLS morbidity/mortality rates in the video was that dispatchers send different units based on the limited information they have, which of course doesn't account for how resources are utilized when the boots hit the ground. Taking data about ACLS...
  10. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    Yeah dude, it's dumb. Something about ambiguous data that gets interpreted concretely puts me to sleep.
  11. D

    Paramedic level care (ALS) of no help, may be harmful

    Every time this debate comes up, I wonder why no one considers that patients who NEED ALS generally carry higher morbidity/mortality rates by default.
  12. D

    Any Military Medics out there?

    A: find a place to work B: prepare for a written and practical of they have it as part of hiring testing, I used some nremt test question apps, and took quizzes every chance I could get. is great too. Set it on the highest level and go through the question base a few times...
  13. D

    Cardiac arrhythmias help?

    Here's a good starting point, and I'm gonna copy what I said in another thread. As with any drug, try to look at the underlying physiology you're working on. Drugs do either one or two things: A) Block some type of physio, or B) Stimulate some type of physio This is relevant because, (and...
  14. D

    Being an EMT with Anxiety.

    Five different medications? I can't even think of five separate medications you can be on simultaneously. Most I've seen is a benzo/SSRI/ and maybe an antipsychotic, but even that's alot. I feel for you. Hopefully you'll get to the point where the last thing that gives you anxiety is calls---...
  15. D

    Ideas for RSI eduction

    I mean look at the components of the score also. Not useful if they're paralyzed.
  16. D

    Ideas for RSI eduction

    Yeah, especially since you're likely being, as you said, generous with the drugs to keep em down. I think the RASS is more to see if the long term stuff is adequate.
  17. D

    Heart attack vs panic attack

    In the 90's? Let's see: One partner would be shoving a paper lunch sack over her face, while the other is trying to put a NRB on. Then they would have jammed some indracardiac epi in, slammed 4mg of narcan as a diagnostic tool, then finished off with some calcium chloride, given down their...
  18. D

    Ideas for RSI eduction

    Yeah, I don't think I would ever use a mixed dose personally. I value ketamine for it's dissociative effects (and long-term analgesia following the anesthesia phase), and it would probably be difficult to determine if they're fully disassociated if you're bolusing the propofol at the same time...
  19. D

    Ideas for RSI eduction

    Well, I use the term "mix" very loosely; I meant given simultaneously. I don't think I've ever seen propofol directly mixed with anything actually. I also realize that ketamine is a complex beast--- too complex in fact, to go in depth about here (especially since I've started this sidebar). The...
  20. D

    Ideas for RSI eduction

    One more thing, (since it's not letting me edit), I'm a huge fan of combining benzos and opiates. You use less of each, they're synergistic, and overall safer as opposed to snowing someone with either one alone. Ive talked to people who have been "kept down" with versed and fentanyl, and...