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  1. abckidsmom

    43 female/unconscious

    Are we managing her airway? Let's do that. What's her EtCO2? What does that waveform look like? What's her 12 lead show? Meanwhile, I'll start an IV and drive her to the closest tertiary care center.
  2. abckidsmom

    Christmas Presents

    I got a foxfire helmet band in my stocking. It was regifted from hubby's department because he doesn't like that kind of thing. My old helmet band had just broken, so it was good timing.
  3. abckidsmom

    Call outs

    As much as it sucks, I think it's important to make sure that while the department encourages people to not call out all the time, they should encourage people to call out when they are sick. I wish infectious illnesses could be counted as on-the-job issues. I get 2 bad colds every year...
  4. abckidsmom

    Starting training in January.

    Another important lesson is that EMS is a small, small world.
  5. abckidsmom

    Stretcher Life Span

    In my experience, it doesn't matter. Any time the patient hits the ground it's checkbook time. I personally dropped a patient out of failure to communicate with my partner, and it was epic checkbook time, and the other ones I've been around for were the same. I think it's better to just...
  6. abckidsmom

    Just a civilian with a question

    Sorry, but medical advice is not allowed per our forum rules.
  7. abckidsmom

    Most Wanted EMS Gifts?

    My husband just sent me a text about the raptor. Poor dear. I can't contribute to his squirrellyness. I however could use a new leatherman pouch. I have the perfect light/tool pouch and the Velcro is tired.
  8. abckidsmom

    dizziness and ALS criteria

    Depends on the assessment. You've provided one symptom. Can you elaborate a bit about the case you're discussing?
  9. abckidsmom

    communication - who's to blame?

    This. When bad things happen, and this was a bad thing, it's important to fully evaluate them to learn all of the lessons from them. Placing blame doesn't help, dealing with the problem and moving forward does. By the way, listen carefully when people are telling stories of their times...
  10. abckidsmom

    Backboard for leg amputation from wood chipper

    Definitely. Eww.
  11. abckidsmom

    Backboard for leg amputation from wood chipper

    The suspense on this one was kind of blown. Yes, I probably would have put him on a backboard. Easier to move him, and the wood chipper experience is not a smooth easy experience: it has a ton of shaking and jerking as it eats your leg. I don't have any trouble skipping immobilization...
  12. abckidsmom

    the 100% directionless thread

    What he said.
  13. abckidsmom

    the 100% directionless thread

    Don't believe it. Look for renewed inspiration. I'm 20 years in and care more than ever. I added fire 3 years ago, and that is nicely diverting and fun.
  14. abckidsmom

    Best Gloves

    We use black gloves so we feel like ninjas. I use the kind called "Medium".
  15. abckidsmom

    How would you treat this patient? ALS or BLS?

    All people who are vomiting with weak and dizzy have Sick in their potential. Especially 55 yo men. If BLS was the first to get there, 12 lead, maybe 2 L o2, and transport. I agree completely with the previously stated ALS treatment, and I don't think it's a "new medic" thing at all to...
  16. abckidsmom

    The scene is never safe.

    Anonymous is a myth.
  17. abckidsmom

    Lowest BP with patient asymptomatic?

    Random acts of gravity.
  18. abckidsmom

    the 100% directionless thread

    Those are the best. Last week, a friend went into labor and had a very fast delivery, on the phone with 911 and transported by my coworkers. Her husband was astonishing with what a great job he did. And her, lol. Small town EMS is the best. She's front page news.
  19. abckidsmom

    Is EMT/PHEMS Seen As "Low Hanging Fruit"?

    40% who get just a ride. More who are just BLS, and most of my ALS care is pain and nausea medication. I probably see max 10% who are actually sick.
  20. abckidsmom

    Hoboken, NJ EMT Stabbed

    This seemed like a classic scenario for using a disarming technique. I messaged Kip at DT4EMS to chime in here. He shared this article on his Facebook page the other day. He is sure to have something to say.