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  1. B

    Refusing to transport???

    I don't know at what level the rule comes from, but at my volunteer agency in NYS (MLREMS), you call: we haul. Patients can refuse transport, in most cases, but if they want to go we have to take them. It may be possible to get medical control to direct us otherwise, but I've never heard of that...
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    Types of Shock and other charts

    Again, my background is that I am an EMT-B student who has not yet covered shock in class. But to answer your question, in my limited understanding, the idea would be to encourage blood flow to the heart and brain, and away from less essential organs such as the lower extremities.
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    Types of Shock and other charts

    Fair enough. I never said trendelenburg. That would be slightly different. I said I would elevate the legs, by placing pillows etc under them to support them. Certainly, Paramedics are useful, but I'm not going to wait for them in these cases. If we can intercept, or if they were on the...
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    best EMT-B scope of practice

    That is my understanding, yes. Additional hours (both classroom/lab and clinical) will be added.
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    best EMT-B scope of practice

    It sounds like NYS is moving to a "super B" scope of practice. They are eliminating AEMT-I and AEMT-CC so the only levels remaining will be Certified First Responder, EMT-B, and AEMT-P. Word is that EMT-Bs will be getting King Airways, and possibly even IVs. This will make them much closer in...
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    Types of Shock and other charts

    I'm a basic student, and we haven't covered shock yet, but from my understanding... As BLS, I don't believe I'd treat any differently based on the type of shock, EXCEPT anaphylactic or diabetic. I'd place the pt. on the gurney, elevating their legs (pillows or...
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    Kane Wade choked on sweet waiting for ambulance

    The same people who complain about slow response times also complain about responders speeding.
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    Results haven't come yet?

    I signed up for onsite scoring for this very reason. Hopefully I got it in properly, because they don't confirm it until it is too late to change it.
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    Greatest Contributor to Burnout in EMS

    I think $40-50k is not unreasonable, for a paramedic, depending on area.
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    Greatest Contributor to Burnout in EMS

    For myself, as a relatively new volunteer, I consider the abuse of the EMS system as well as the incorrect prioritization of calls my biggest complaints.
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    States and EMT-B Morphine Administration

    Ironic considering your avatar. I'm just yanking your chain, but you see my point. :P
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    Volly...stay or quit?

    I am fortunate enough to belong to one of the most progressive departments in the area. For a rural setting, we have equipment that rivals some of the urban departments.
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    How do you get the patients into the ambulance?

    We are lucky enough to have both the newer style stair chair (with tracks) and a power stretcher. I've done the stretcher down stairs and it is not fun, would much prefer using the stair chair when possible. Obviously it won't be in all cases. If we have to backboard or scoop stretcher and carry...
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    ALS or BLS?

    Considering ALS was available (and already on scene no less) I would have expected them to ride.
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    Spell Out Acronyms?

    What is an EMSA? Serious question, but also making a point. ;)
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    Am I just being a n00b? Checking jump bag before shift

    As a student and a member of a volunteer service, I like doing the occasional rig check. It helps me remind myself of where things are, what thing are, and what they are used for. I usually try to have the driver and/or primary medic there so I can ask any questions while doing it ("where is...
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    EMT-B Overkill For A Lay Person?

    To add, if you do decide to go for it, you could sign up with a volunteer agency, and they will likely pay for your tuition. Most agencies don't expect a huge amount of time from you -- my agency appreciates it if you take one 12 hour shift every 10 days (or two 6 hour shifts), and show up for...
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    EMT-B Overkill For A Lay Person?

    Taking the class to get the education is not a bad idea, however the EMT-B class is definitely, at least in NYS, geared towards those who will be doing transports. As a "lay person" you will not be doing transports, and you open yourself up to a lot of liability if you come upon a scene and...
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    LVAD AWARENESS for Paramedics/EMT/EMS Ambulance Companies. 911 PROTOCOL?

    Kudos to your hospital for doing that. I have to admit, I had no idea what an LVAD was before your post (I'm an EMT-B student). Thanks for the education, and for inspiring me to want to do more research on the subject!
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    Am i going to look foolish?

    Doesn't matter. I'm not an EMT and have not started school yet, but I wear them daily. I am a driver, and a firefighter, but I wear them even when not on duty / not at the station. I don't wear them with a bunch of things hanging off them or off my belt though. Just a pair of trauma sheers and a...