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  1. firemedic7982


    Why would the pt. care?
  2. firemedic7982


    Riiiiiiight. I feel the same way.
  3. firemedic7982

    Personal Jump Bags

    Im gonna have to agree here. The road is paved with good intentions. Buuuuut. If you're out with one of your friends, he gets hurt, and dies .... I guarantee the family is going to say " well his friend was there to help him, and hes an EMT", or something to that effect. Now you are liable...
  4. firemedic7982

    Duty Flashlights?

    Your darn right! But in seriousness, Ive carried a Streamlight Stinger for about 5 years now and love it.
  5. firemedic7982


    Welcome, and good luck in your studies. My agency is a teaching agency. I frequently have anywhere from 3-5 people on my truck at one time. That may be Me, my partner, a student, a volunteer, and an observer. As far as our observer program works, you are placed with a crew, usually with a...
  6. firemedic7982

    Where do you keep your BVM/Combi-Tube?

    MICU- Everything in the truck is duplicated in the bag(s). On our stretcher stays the monitor, and the "red bag" which is our primary bag. In that contains a bvm of all 3 sizes, an impedeance threshold device(resQpod), and a complete intubation kit with 1 of each size et tube from 3.0-4.5...
  7. firemedic7982

    Best Locations for Medic Students/Medics

    I really would like to practice in some other part of the country myself one day. I think it would be amazing to take my experiences from here, and gather new ones somewhere else.
  8. firemedic7982

    soldier kills herself after failing emt exam

    Terrible tragedy indeed.
  9. firemedic7982

    Best Locations for Medic Students/Medics

    A little bitter about plano are we? What happened did you apply and not get hired? lol... Im just kidding don't get mad. For someone that lives a little ways away you seem to have a lot to say about ESD-1. You must either have lived near, worked for, or have friends that work for them. Be...
  10. firemedic7982

    Best Locations for Medic Students/Medics

    Galveston is a good system overall, dont know too much about them. But the population is of lower socio economic status, pretty steady crime rate.
  11. firemedic7982

    Tactical Medic Questions

    My agency operates a tac team as well as a basic, and advanced training course several times a year. Are team is quite large and fairly active in the south texas / louisiana area, and have been deployed quite a bit. I will be taking the course in a couple weeks. I you have questions here is...
  12. firemedic7982

    Cardiac patient walked down stairs, medics don't document it

    I had no side to take in the first place. This whole thing started by me being upset about people passing judgement. If I lost my cool a little in my last post, I appologize. Thats the very thing I was arguing for and I will agree with you. I also ageed several times in previous posts...
  13. firemedic7982


    +1 If you ever have an opportunity to take a stethoscopy seminar, I would do it. I have been to a couple, and learned some really cool stuff.
  14. firemedic7982

    Need some help

    While palpated blood pressures do indeed have their place, they are no substitute for an auscultated one.
  15. firemedic7982

    Cardiac patient walked down stairs, medics don't document it

    Didnt say we didnt give pain meds to abd pain. We withhold pain management on new onset undiagnosed abdominal pain. Unless we feel that it is suggestive of renal colic. If this is the case go ahead with the narcs. Just to be clear. ONLY witheld on NEW onset, UN-diagnosed. Otherwise...
  16. firemedic7982

    Need some help

    Practice, Practice, Practice. Congrats on geting your cert, welcome to the group.
  17. firemedic7982

    9 m/o dies from eczema

    She has a point. +1
  18. firemedic7982

    Cardiac patient walked down stairs, medics don't document it

    I appologize for the flagrant spelling and grammatical errors in my last post... I was typing faster than my computer was... LOL.
  19. firemedic7982

    Cardiac patient walked down stairs, medics don't document it

    It doesnt matter what could have happened. Its not your place to speculate. You and no one else on here was there on scene, myself included. The patients death is indeed unfortunate. The reported actions of the crew, inrresponsible. My initial point... I continue to state this ...
  20. firemedic7982

    Cardiac patient walked down stairs, medics don't document it

    Im not standing by them, nor am I defending them. I have made no statement in their defense. I have said that I did not approve of them lying. The main point of my argument, was people need to quit being martyrs. Quit acting like a group of people that have never screwed up. We all have...