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  1. VirginiaEMT

    Staying calm during calls

    I'm definitely not..
  2. VirginiaEMT

    Staying calm during calls

    I hope EXPERIENCE is the answer. I still get flustered occasionally as we work with 2 man crews and have very short transport times. As an example, with a chest pain patient, I am still trying to get my time management down. I have about 10 -15 minutes usually to get 12 lead, vitals, O2, IV...
  3. VirginiaEMT

    Cyanotic face?

    I was a team-member on a code last night. The patient was in his low 30's, overweight but by no means the largest I've ever seen. The original call was for an unresponsive breathing patient but was changed to non-breathing about 3 minutes from the scene. The patient's wife said that he was...
  4. VirginiaEMT

    Writing a paper and need advise on where to locate information?

    I am writing a paper for my paramedic class. It has to be based on a public safety campaign, obtaining funding, implementation, etc. I am doing mine on bicycle safety but I can't find any peer-reviewed articles on writing grants and obtaining funding and I have no idea how to write a grant...
  5. VirginiaEMT

    Stopping CPR w/ V-fib?

    I was involved in a resuscitation attempt where the upper 70's year old man arrested in front of one of his children. CPR was started with instructions from dispatch. We worked the arrest for 50 minutes or so, the patient remained in fine v-fib the entire time. He was shocked 6 times, given 7 mg...
  6. VirginiaEMT

    ECG - Opinions needed

    You might be betting ALL of your paychecks if you don't call it and you are wrong.
  7. VirginiaEMT

    ECG - Opinions needed

    I see the physiological LAD but where is the fisicular block?
  8. VirginiaEMT

    EMT-I/99 is not a Paramedic!!

    I disagree. I went from B to I and now to P, skipping over E. I am very thankful that I took the I/99 class before paramedic although I had no intention at the time of even taking a paramedic class. I went into the paramedic class knowing med. math, I.Vs, EKGs(although not as much as I thought)...
  9. VirginiaEMT

    EMT-I/99 is not a Paramedic!!

    Great idea!! I actually am going to travel as part of a medical team from my church with Mennonite Disaster Service to disaster areas throughout the world such as New Orleans and Haiti. My wife and my retirement plan is to sell the house, buy an R.V, and travel throughout the U.S helping others...
  10. VirginiaEMT

    EMT-I/99 is not a Paramedic!!

    I think paramedic may be it for me. I'm 48, have a full-time career as commercial insurance agent and work part-time for an EMS agency (24-36 hours hours a week). I am also worn out from just finishing the EMT-I/99 class and going straight into paramedic. Who knows what the future holds!! I...
  11. VirginiaEMT

    EMT-I/99 is not a Paramedic!!

    I was one of those stating that I could do all of the skills of a paramedic as an EMT-I/99. WRONG!! Every time I go to paramedic class I realize that have a lot to learn. It is like the epiphany that I had in my B to I class. I realized that I knew very little as an EMT-B. TAKE A PARAMEDIC CLASS...
  12. VirginiaEMT

    King vs. Intubation

    There's tons of evidence that ETI is detremental to patient outcomes after cardiac arrest. I just finished a paper on the studies for paramedic school.
  13. VirginiaEMT

    Lenoir Community College online medic program?

    Oh, you WILL do more than 200 hours to get allof your skills in. You can plan on that.
  14. VirginiaEMT

    Withholding Resuscitation

    Probably has just as good of a chance at ROSC pushing saline as he would with epi or any other drug
  15. VirginiaEMT

    EMS peer reviewed journals

    I'm finding that out in my research. Many of the things we do have no evidence to support their use. I am amazed. My next paper is going to be on intubating in cardiac arrest and it's affects on the outcomes of patients.
  16. VirginiaEMT

    HYPOXIC DRIVE, real of urban legend?

    Has anyone here ever witnessed high-flow 02 knocking out a person's hypoxic drive?
  17. VirginiaEMT

    Jewish faith and Code status

    You mean a piece of bread doesn't turn to flesh and wine to blood. Imagine that!! Bit of trivia: Do you know that is where the term "hocus pocus" comes from?
  18. VirginiaEMT

    Alcohol and Nitro

    If you were on scene of a chest pain patient and this patient is simply plastered from alcohol abuse, how would you treat the chest pain? What are the effects with nitro? I had this the other day and have looked through books every since trying to find a good answer. I found out that it was...