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  1. BossyCow

    What light do you carry on your belt?

    Which is why I said I was the one standing next to the fully stocked guy... :rolleyes:
  2. BossyCow

    Pneumonic for Patient Transfer report

    Of course they do, and how many times have you heard the patient answer the same question you already asked with some new vital piece of information that they conveniently neglected to mention to you? I generally tell my patients to expect the nurses, docs to ask them these same questions over...
  3. BossyCow

    Who is in charge?

    Your commanders need to take command.
  4. BossyCow

    good scenario

    Are you asking what caused the GI bleed?
  5. BossyCow

    Are You kidding me?

    "I've been a student for a while"... translation...
  6. BossyCow

    BLS Ambulance Staffing

    MASSIVE BIG DISCLAIMER: I am not against ALS and would dearly love to have a Paramedic on every single call. However the reality of my current situation is BLS only with sporadic ALS support as available. A decently run program has a run review process established with the Medical Program...
  7. BossyCow

    Who is in charge?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't ICS stipulate that command is set by the first responding agency, it remains until command is transferred? Are you saying that the later responding agencies do not acknowledge the command structure in place on a scene or that the first responding agency...
  8. BossyCow

    piercings and tattoos

    My issues have nothing to do with "Is ink bad" or "Are tats and piercings a sign of moral turpitude"... My issue is and always has been the attitude of the one wearing it. Too many accompany their body art with a chip on their shoulder the size of Texas. Seriously, I could give a rat's patootie...
  9. BossyCow

    What light do you carry on your belt?

    I prefer to have the latest new guy stocked with everything stand next to me on a call.
  10. BossyCow

    EMT-B Students!!!

    Okay, I'm confused.... if you don't want to ride in an ambulance.. why are you in EMT class? I mean, you do know that the end result, after you pass the class and get your cert is to actually ride in the ambulance.... it really is a very vital part of the job.
  11. BossyCow

    Happy St. Patricks Day!

    Soda Bread with Irish butter for EVERYONE!
  12. BossyCow

    Emergency Care for the Sick and INjured 9th Edition

    ROFL.... yeah.. paying for a copy is almost like having to study.
  13. BossyCow

    Civilan responses

    ROFL, my favorite with the obnoxious family member is to send them out to the end of the driveway to flag down other responders. Ah... we are a sad bunch.
  14. BossyCow

    Are You kidding me?

    + ROFL.. ah.. been there! Pretty much would have done what you did. You can't really do much for dead. Especially with dead-dead. About the 'nursing student' I wouldn't put too much against RN's from this experience. She is a student.. does that mean she's currently taking the...
  15. BossyCow

    25/F overdose scenario

    rhan.. you are overthinking... go back to basics.. one step at a time.. It doesn't matter if she's an overdose or other problem.. treat the problems you see as you are trained. If she is not breathing well.. (under 8 ventilate) breathe for her. If upon regaining consciousness, her...
  16. BossyCow

    Emergency Care for the Sick and INjured 9th Edition

    The instructor's guide will have the answer keys to all the quizzes. It also will highlight those areas that the instructor is going to grade specifically, such as what are the critical fails for a practical. It also guides the instructor on what to emphasize during a class. As a study tool...
  17. BossyCow

    BLS Ambulance Staffing

    Okay, the thread is a BLS thread.. so lets keep the responses appropriate for BLS agencies.
  18. BossyCow

    B/P cuff question

    Also, may I add, there are no stupid questions. If there is something that puzzles you and you do not seek clarification, that is stupid. Allowing embarrassment, or lack of knowledge keep you in the dark about something easily explained is going to insure that you remain in the dark forever. By...
  19. BossyCow

    Just signed up...

    Wow, you must work in a really crappy system. That must be what created your attitude. I have not seen abuse of airlift in my area. We have specific criteria that must be met in order to call for airlift. We use it sparingly and because of our geography and weather, we don't always get it when...
  20. BossyCow

    Civilan responses

    My general rule of thumb with bystanders is the more annoying they are, the farther away from the scene I want them. The truly annoying are given a handful of flares and told to go lay them up the road.