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  1. BossyCow

    DNR Identification

    My state doesn't recognize DNR. It uses a legal document, called a P.O.L.S.T or Physician's Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment. Unlike a bracelet, it is a multi page legal document signed by both the patient or pt's designee, and the physician who went over the details with the pt. It is...
  2. BossyCow

    The Crackhead with Chest Pain

    You can't educate away arrogance or personality defects.
  3. BossyCow

    The Crackhead with Chest Pain

    I would say its an argument for not having stupid people on the ambulance. I'm BLS and this would have definitely been an ALS call for me. Its not always the BLS making the mistake. I called ALS for support on an elderly female, ground level fall, she dragged herself to her waterbed where she...
  4. BossyCow

    Expose/don't expose? That is the question.

    No, I did not say that. I agree with Rid. The employee would be fired for first disregarding a physician's order and imo secondly for doing it secretely without making their objections known so others could perform the treatment. My issue with this employee would be more about the dishonesty...
  5. BossyCow


    What we feel about someone who is DUI or impaired by chemicals, or indigent or looks like that guy from our past we really hated, is going to affect us, but it should not affect their care. We need to be able to put our feelings aside and do our job. That's the difference between a mature...
  6. BossyCow

    Res ipsa loquitur

    And who among us has not transported pts with odd things placed in odd locations. Its true. there is only enough blood to supply one head at a time.
  7. BossyCow

    How Clean Is Your Stethoscope?

    I have seen those cots for the end of a scope advertised but I dont' know how well they work. They always look to me like they would interfere with the sound. I just virex mine. When the membrane tanks.. I put another one on it. That's why they give you extras.
  8. BossyCow

    Expose/don't expose? That is the question.

    Sure they do, they have the right to practice their religion as they choose. Of course employers then have the right not to hire them because they can't do the job. There was a thread a while back about an orthodox jewish ambulance service. I believe that anyone can choose what they like as...
  9. BossyCow

    How clean is your

    I steal the pens of neat freaks, lick them and put them back.
  10. BossyCow

    How old are you?

    Feel free to start a thread with what you feel has a 'useful purpose' but determining for the OP what should have been the reason for his post seems a bit on the OCD side of the Type A personality curve. According to your post, the older EMTs have to be recent EMTs?? There are many of us who...
  11. BossyCow

    Universal health care peaking round the corner again

    Deserve? Who doesn't deserve the right to medical care? I'm sorry, I don't see this as something you earn or deserve.
  12. BossyCow

    Firefighters and paramedic have religious right to keep beards

    We all make choices. This same topic was discussed under the tattoo thread. If my religion dictates that I must subscribe to certain restrictions, my moral obligation is to find a method of earning a living that fits with my moral code. To attempt to change a workplace in order to fit my...
  13. BossyCow

    Speak out against triage?

    ROFL yeah, but so far clicking my heels together and repeating "I do believe in ALS, I do believe in ALS, I do believe in ALS, I do believe in ALS," hasn't helped! Maybe I need to get some ruby slippers.
  14. BossyCow

    EMT Survival Kit

    I did something similar to this for a friend at a christmas party. It included a "HazMat Kit" consisting of a turkey baster, a pair of salad tongs and a pair of dishwashing type rubber gloves.
  15. BossyCow

    the 100% directionless thread

    So, today I lost my day job! I could have stayed, but the downturn in the construction industry meant I'd be staying without benefits and working only 16 hours a week. So, I'm joining the ranks of the unemployed! Anyone want to start a pool on how long it takes me to find another one...
  16. BossyCow

    Education - How to Reach not only Brain but Heart

    Understanding also means that you can reason it out when you can't remember.